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Transmission 08
Day 4 Morning Session
J:[00:00] Okay Hello, hello. Hello. Hello. Perfect. Um You have the other mic in case perfect, okay. All right, so Diagrams waiting for the bells, but they'll probably come through pretty quickly and First so today I'm so I'm so happy That you're all here still but very sad that it's the last day of the retreat and Don't get to do this infinitely In many ways we do, you know on our non-physical level. We all are connected all the time And we already have been otherwise we wouldn't have Coincidentally lived our lives up to this moment and found ourselves here in this now But you know our physical forms have to go back to our missions to our points in the universe on this physical planet Where we're there to support absolutely everybody else who knows each and every one of us Yeah, your postman needs you and your grocer needs you and your brother-in-law needs you and your mother needs you your Neighbor Needs you This is why you exist. Of course, you need them as well But you know, we like to get a bit egotistical and say aha We know better and we have this light in us and we can shine it and we can help the others, right? You know, it's a soul contract. We're helping them. They're helping us. It's all you know, different perspectives, but You knowing that but they need you Does it make you or doesn't need to make you think you're more important than them or special or Better or whatever it is. You can allow yourself to know that you are needed in this existence And I'll worry about that You can allow yourself to have that Self-confidence and faith in yourselves and that your impact is serving Towards your preference whatever that might be So I Wanted to have something else to say right now, but Vagrein is like, no, let's just get started. So I will go ahead and head into trance and You guys will have time with them and then later on we'll see what else occurs and unfolds. So I'll see you shortly again Oh and apparently we're not doing the breathing this morning Sorry just insider insider whoever wants the fun and games that's going on right now It's your fault Yes your fault Because I'm in negotiation with Vagrein and us to whether or not to just open the session with the word pussy So I'm comfortable to share that with you as this and not comfortable to do it in channeling and so This is me winning this particular battle with them And that's a reference to a long conversation last night and the hilarity at our table. So It was it was quite funny, but now maybe they'll behave and I'll be able to not fight with them.
V:[04:46] Good now to you. is serious and that is why though perhaps limited in our delivery we do try to interject that humor into this sharing or transmission of what you already know because you sometimes forget In this time we've had together we've spoken of the game, spoken of the playfulness and the joy that you are and we see that you have very much stepped into those shoes in the time that you have been here we also know that there is that challenge a new hurdle to jump over for you many of you returning to your place of origin in which perhaps instead of tables full of family there's an empty room or other beings with whom resonance is not as easily found spaces in which you do not feel like that opening that you have had in your throat chakras can continue to remain quite as vulnerable quite as open reality you know what we feel of that word and in the days we've been together we've been speaking much of that choice between being yourself and right or facing reality we've spoken much of that it is a choice in each moment and this has been practiced you come together like this to have that support and to have that practice of what it will be to be like on this planet when your preferences are met this is incentive this experience if it has been pleasant for you if it has not it is not our fault talk to the management but if it has been pleasant for you it has been so because you have been yourselves nothing else has been done you set an intention or you had a calling you said yes to the question in your mind do I go and in the saying of yes you set the intention to feel free when you arrived and in the moments that you didn't to face whatever it is was blocking you we've done nothing at all it is all you so yes it may be a challenge to return home it may feel heavier there may be sadness there may be emotion that arises that why can't things be as easy as they have been around these other people why can't I have this instant connection with people in my neighborhood as I did when I arrived in that place what was the magic that was there that I do not have here it is your sense of freedom to be yourself that may come to feel as if it is lacking the good news we do not believe you when you say you are not capable of turning on or off a feeling state that feeling states can be joy or pleasure or passion it can be excitement or delight bliss you are able to do it on call we know this we've seen it because you know this and have seen it I are coming here your problems did not go away the ones that are waiting for you you simply decided that it was not important for these days to be sad about it to be angry about it to be worried about it you put a pause on your negative emotions or thoughts I will deal with it when I get home well you are about to get home problems yes our challenges to deal with we are not saying to take all of your obligations and let them go unless of course that is what will serve you but we're not saying that we are not encouraging you to do so and to run off into a frolic though we do like to we're saying is you can bring your Eunice to your challenges you can bring this energy of this place this location of this access to us which is not exclusive you have it in each and every now to your tax forms or your annoying boss the other good news is you have cemented sole contracts here that though in existence before you were not aware of entirely you have a family all over the world now is not simply a coincidence that so many of you are from so far away from each other every three beings on your physical planet makes a triangle that covers the energy in between them you'll find that you are covering quite a lot of ground if you were to map your locations and in each and every space that you walk you are covered by another four because you are within the triangle of them you are supported this is always the case and has been before but now you have this superpower in your pockets that you can connect with each other you can check in you can say hi you can reminisce about what you have lived here shared experiences and you can create what is to come and many of you will do not allow and it will happen that crash of energy to scare you at all feel it if it needs to be felt it does need to be felt feel it and its intensity a feeling and move through it you are clearing any sense of my life is not as I would like it to be by feeling that feeling and as soon as you clear any sense of my life is not as I would like it to be you have freed up all the energy that you will need to create it in whatever which way you choose so that is what you are looking forward to now which is why we would say also to frame it in that way so that you can feel that joy in anticipation you can be delighted that soon you will feel some sadness it is that after that sadness is cleared I can create whatever it is I want now this is obviously not only in relation to this particular experience or in relation to the particular ending of this particular event by any means this is information that you can take into any situation in which you are feeling pleasant and then afterwards that experience ends and you have that ping-pong you can recover faster from anything that ails you there have been deep and irreversible transformations with us or we have witnessed your deep and irreversible transformations everything is always a deep and irreversible transformation because we're evolutionary beings that are heading through what you perceive of as a linear time it's always tomorrow tomorrow and so you can understand or allow yourself to understand that you are not the people who walked into this room on day one many of you have already checked out or all of you have did you pick up your baggage did you even remember it was there don't worry we will find ways of disposing of it you will always find things within yourselves that are ready to be let go of because you did create your incarnation your individuation to have things to be ready to let go of you wanted to have all of the quirks and the foibles we what you would then perceive of as imperfections because that is the fun we've spoken of this so everything will have been shed they are those who speak of enlightenment or words as such as if there is a destination to be reached a goal to be had in terms of your spiritual journey while in an incarnation well guess what your spiritual journey is your incarnation in every moment you are enlightened from the moment previous so you can consider yourselves enlightened beings you have lightened your load by leaving everything that didn't serve you that was ready to go in that previous version of self we would like you to take a moment now to tune in to that version of you several days ago and shine deep compassion upon that being and you smile at them having had perhaps nervousness of meeting others can you smile at them feeling some sort of inadequacy or some judgment or some unworthiness and you hold them give them a big hug in the same way we are witnessing you giving each other that love that sweet child who had some confusion that they've let go of aren't they beautiful exactly as they are that their fears or their sadness anxiety worry whatever it was this is beautiful they don't know what a wonderful time they are going to have they don't know the profound experiences that they are going to share they don't yet know the challenges that they would be put under and that they would supersede aren't they innocent and sweet aren't they so courageous for being here anyways this is how isn't this sees you and this is an exercise that we do hope you take into your life and practice often it is easy to recall what you are like several days ago because it is not that much of a diverse version of you even though so much has transpired and you have changed significantly but you can do this with the version of you that is five years old you can do the version that made a mistake and needs forgiveness or feels as if it does and you can see how beautiful they are and guess what it works both ways the version of you that is currently in this now moment in another parallel existence five years down the road is sending its love to you right now in this room it is looking at you from a space of deeper wisdom a space of deeper joy experiencing or potential to experience joy a space of deeper peace a space of having realized the things that are still in your hearts to realize a space of having made choices that lead you towards your desired lifestyle choices that have put you in the relationships that you are longing and they are smiling at you thinking have how you are so courageous and so beautiful so innocent the good news is there's only good news today the good news is that also it works in this now you can have that same love and compassion for yourself in this now look how courageous you are look how beautiful you are how delightful it can bring tears to feel it this deeply this is more good news we are on a roll the tears of joy are these wonderful little crystals gifts because the tear of joy still contains the sorrow that you are ready to let go but you do not need to feel that one you have chosen instead to feel joy and still get the benefits of letting go of the sorrow what fun is that your bodies are wonderful you have this mechanism built right in when you are moved by something when you allow yourself to shine at the highest light which is what those tears of joy are telling you is occurring you get a little reward and is it it funny that you get embarrassed when that happens you try to stop it you're capable of it free will and all but you will not even allow yourself to have one of the greatest gifts of being human a jump in timeline perhaps joy that resolves sorrow we are often amazed by you your mechanisms your functionalities choices you make it is interesting to observe we say the same things over and over all the time you do like to hear them over and over all the time you feel propped up by them because they resonate and in the same way as your 24th friend explained your body resonates with the message so it too is almost a cheat it's easier to feel the grace when you are exposed to material that is resonating with the frequency of grace and it's a tool we are a tool tool at some point in your culture meant someone who is not very good was it not we are happy to say we are a tool and like every tool it has its purpose but it should be kept in the drawer when it is not in use so you do not stumble upon it you can of course access us at any time both in the version of this vessel and directly and you will resonate with that frequency but you can also do it on your own we know because we see you all resonate with that frequency. What is it you would like to talk about today?
Q01: [26:36] hello Vagrein hmm so my question is I almost didn't want to ask it because it seems very remedial and so I like feel silly but also feel embarrassed to ask this question and so it's around food and it's around understanding how to like I feel this tangle around the vibration of how to feed my body correctly and it feels entangled with conditioning and programming some things very specific to speak groundedly is there are times when my body craves meat and there is a very challenging mind thing that happens around that because of what I feel the connection to animals and their spirits and that vibration of spirit and so and in my family lineage that it was not offered to understand there was a lot of entanglement around trauma about how to feed the body so I didn't understand how to pick that up and yeah I'm gonna stop there can you just offer some guidance on that
V: [28:00] yes no embarrassment needed it is not remedial it is a common question in that you are very much focused on this particular topic as a collective your body needs energy or high-frequency the ones that you have been experiencing far more than it actually needs food so you could also reduce your diet to almost nothing and if your frequency was high enough or even nothing there are those who do so we do not recommend it because it is not the theme of most of you but you could reduce your diet significantly and increase your frequency significantly and have no need for sustenance so that is quite freeing because it does mean that you are experiencing a body that is giving you sensation the question of food is far more for and of course this is information that does seem to go against what your medical system tells you because they've come up with graphs and charts and nutritional values and numbers and figures and names and chemicals and additives and vitamins and they have said we have figured out this machine that you are taking into no regard the thing that is running the machine so you get to experiment with what feels good to you because at all times the frequency of how you are feeling when you are eating is what is telling your body how to process what you are eating so as you have at times this guilt sensation or this reluctance or resistance against eating meats in this now moment eating meats no matter the sensation the body is giving you may not be the best option for you in that you will not get what the body is calling for while holding the vibration of feeling guilty of it the other thing that is occurring in your particular case is that your body is giving you information of course and it is saying hey you know what you are holding a belief around the eating of meat that doesn't actually serve you because it is saying I feel like I should have some steak or I should have some whatever it might be simultaneously you have a belief in your relationship with the animals that are providing this meat and you have some beliefs around that that it is a violation of them perhaps or that it is wrong or that it is hurtful and you do not want to be wrong and hurtful to the animals again you are allowed to hold both beliefs but what your body and this belief and these sensations and the emotions and all of it is telling you is that you have not yet found the correct belief for you that is in between perhaps of those two things the body saying you need the nutrients that come from these animals and the mind and heart saying that it is hurtful to them for you to have those nutrients one of the middle ways that many find for this is by before consuming meats having a conscious gratitude for the animal that has incarnated in order to be in soul contract with you in that particular way because you are a collective that has chosen this particular modality for this particular moment in time based upon carnivores or omnivores at least because that is in your biology so it is not your fault that you have a craving for meat by any means and it may indeed be what your body would require but that is most in service to your body in this now moment but what is not in service to your body is that guilt we're not saying that you have to work through it all the way we know this is a controversial topic because there is much in spirituality about what is happening with the animals we will address that now the reason why the guilt is there as well or the sensation that this is wrong is because that too is accurate not that this is wrong but that there is an evolution currently occurring that will eventually take you all away from eating meat and you will no longer both have the craving for it and the systems in place that continue situations or relationships with animals that are actually not in resonance with balance and harmony but up until such point as you do collectively move in and towards that there is that fizzling out of this system such as many others in the meantime the practice of being extremely aware of what you are eating and having deep gratitude for what you are eating and being in relationship with the flesh that you are consuming will or can alleviate some of what you are experiencing alternately you are not limited in finding alternatives for that craving diving into whatever beliefs you have there that are telling you that there's something that is lacking in you a craving is simply a craving is simply information that you have some level of belief that you are not currently having what would make things better there will and can be ways around that as well do any of these suggestions help you with this particular issue yes they help and it feels very resonant when you say that because I have tried you know like the carnivore diet at a time and I was in that exact relationship with the meat when I was eating it and I felt the most actually spiritual because I felt so much love and I felt so much reverence and yeah love and reference and so I understand that so I love what you're offering about finding the balance and really being in tuned with where it being very conscious that that feels completely correct and I can also see how that would be you know being more slowed down and be more conscious every moment I'm sitting with food not just when I choose it but every moment so yes thank you so much we thank you we will add on to that that mealtime is a wonderful opportunity to think about all of the people in this world that are in service to you because all of those farmers and all of those people who protect your waterbed and all of those truck drivers and all of those chefs and cooks and waiters and all of those producers of the food that arrives to you are in service to you in that moment you have a wonderful network of your food system which is far more abundant than is ever necessary in the majority of the places that you come from and there's a great portion of this population who is not in this moment manifesting that in their particular reality I have a follow-up question relating to animals and our relationship with them you were talking the other day about how we are different from animals that they have a different state of consciousness but I'm wondering whether that applies to all animals or whether in fact some animals are in a different category I am very drawn to relating to whales and to dolphins and other sea creatures and it feels that they have that there's something different going on with them that there's a different type of consciousness so I'm just wondering whether you could yes share some more information about the consciousness of animals or different animal different species indeed we can so what we were referring to was that humans uniquely have free will there are yes different what you would perceive of as levels of consciousness they are not levels flavors of consciousness on your planet and you are accurate in your assessment of the marine life you are referring to in that it is in a kin with humans in many ways and does have the ability to communicate with you in much of your telepathic way so there is that for those particular animals and then you have your pets you have your horses you have your octopuses which was discussed at some point you have many animals that are in this world that you would understand and you do indeed quite frequently understand them humans are the only ones on this planet who do have free will because even in the having of the different consciousnesses or those different flavors of consciousness of those beings they are making their choices based upon having simply no choice but to follow their heart no choice but to feel love for example your cat or your dog when it comes to your lap it is not making an active decision to be kind to you it is following its heart it is coming onto your lap because it loves you and it wants to give you a cuddle and it wants to have that affection it is not thinking that if it does that then later on perhaps it will get more treats even a trained dog is following instinct because they have learned this means treat they're not thinking about it they are not choosing to not do it the times that they do not they are distracted by something else perhaps or they are doing something else in their experience that is taking their focus but they are not choosing to not follow their heart humans are the only ones on this planet who have the ability to not be who they are this is and we have explained free will before free will is simply not free choice of everything it isn't there is choice to be you or choice not to be you that is free will and once you choose to be you you are like the animals you have no more free will because if you surrender completely into yourself and your heart and your guides and your soul is talking to you all the time and you are listening to it all the time well then you are not having free will there is no choice at that point you do have free will you can always say no again but for example all of you are seeking that state of being where it is so easy and breezy to be yourselves once you do that you can't choose anything don't know what's happening tomorrow because it is not up to your mind your heart is making the choices you are curling up on the lap of someone that you never expected to curl up on because your heart is telling you to now you are not in a collective at least do not seem to be in a collective where that seems to be yet possible to completely follow and you do again back to that story of want to be in that dramatic extreme level of the game we know there's not a person in here who has not started a fight with someone simply because they were feeling empty or bored you see some socks on the floor you decide to yell at your partner instead of picking up the socks the problem is the socks you are all guilty of that but you are forgiven so your animals are wonderful teacher to you as well there's not a bird flying in the sky who knows what it's doing or has chosen to fly in the sky just flying in the sky because it is a bird and it knows it is just following instinct or following passion or following inspiration to build the nest something that is coming through telling it a family is on its way bird does not go to the doctor to find out that he's going to have eggs feel something and then the nest needs building so your animals are wonderful your relationship with animals is to be explored and to be nurtured and to be honored whether it is in the form of eating or interacting again these are beautiful so contracts you have and you do take them for granted and they are granted but wouldn't it be nice to know they are granted and not take them as such
Q:[43:31] thank you
V: we thank you
Q02: [43:39] hello I wanted to ask you about the meaning of in the asking it is given because I watch video on YouTube but that man asked you for a joke and I wanted to ask you for a joke and then three minutes later my flight got delayed so this was a joke on me or were you laughing
V: [44:15] so it is all a joke every single aspect of it have you ever been told a joke perhaps it is a wonderful comedian perhaps it is a friend who has quite a strict strong wit and everyone a table is laughing but something didn't click for you you didn't get it or you didn't understand it and there's that sensation of something being off no it is funny because that person is funny normally and you see everyone else laughing and you wonder what is going on here well the good news is you can laugh along even if you do not get the joke you can laugh along and if the table is gregarious enough and has been drinking enough then your laughter will indeed become genuine at some point because first you are laughing at the fact that you don't get the joke then you are laughing at the fact that that person is making such a strange noise when they are laughing then you are laughing that you and the one whose I you caught on the other side of the table both notice the strange noise that that other one was making then the one who's making the strange noises noises get even stranger and they really are getting into it and now you're all having a wonderful time this is the universe you don't need to get the joke but if you assume that somebody is laughing at it then you might just be able to be swept up by its energy you might just be able to pause long enough to not let your mind get too into it could you imagine what a different experience it would be if the person at the table who did not get the joke started asking questions well what do you mean by that I don't get it what does that what is that purpose why is that funny well everyone would be uncomfortable perhaps the comedian would try to explain it or there would be some sort of divide there completely different evening so when your flights are cancelled your flights will not be cancelled but when your flights are cancelled laugh something better is coming and that is what ask and it is given means something better is on its way that thing that was planned for you or that was lined up that you thought was guaranteed the time of the flight for example actually had some timeline elements that you probably would not like as much as the new version of you maybe that flights would have someone who had spilled a drink all over the seat and you would have to sit in a soggy seat for hours perhaps getting to a location on time means that you interlude with someone who does not have something very nice to say and you don't need to hear that thing anymore there is infinite by the way there is a version of you that did have the flight come on time and it is not the version of you or the life that you prefer it did not have the experiences you've had since that moment it had different ones it had ones that were not as pleasing as these or that do not lead to as much pleasure as what is to come so if at some point in your future you decided that you would like to be a multimillionaire that flight being cancelled was the pivotal point that made that possible
Q: [48:36] I understand thank you
V: we thank you
Q03: [] can I ask you about the world the world like in my Romanian we have word you be ray that's mean love it's equal to love yes okay thank you thank you very much it also means to obey love thank you could you tell me the meaning of the light language that Jesse transcribes for me
V: [49:13] peace
Q:[49:41] thank you
V: thank you
Q04: [49:50] hello hello so um a little bit on the topic of food but more towards I want to know more towards the energy of that's behind addiction and so in this case for example it would be understanding the energy behind what makes you eat foods that you know are not better for you at least in this now or at least how your body's configured how your body functions now and also for example around alcohol and other addictions because I do notice that there is the energy that calls you towards taking these substances it's a fast energy and before you mention that you're probably drawn to the to do these actions because of a lack because you think that something is lacking in your life but I'm interested in knowing in understanding more the mechanism of these energies and also if you could give me a tip on how to how to flow with around these things better because I understand that if I apply discipline and responsibility then I can find peace with this but I believe or suspect or at least I would like to believe that there's an easier path to relate yourself with these energies
V: [51:24] yes so you have noticed that many addictions what you call addictions occur or become adopted in teenage years and there's a reason for this there is a natural and healthy mechanism in the teenage human brain that wants the independence from the caretakers indeed they are indeed now old enough to go off and live their own lives simultaneously there is a deep desire to be loved unconditionally because you are in between that stage of having that full independence and being a child children are always seeking that approval from their parents because it is directly related to their survival as infants so it is a survival mechanism that is interestingly created in teenage hood in their brains that there is a push and pull between the parent and the child or the young adults or whatever it is you would like to call it the teenager the teenager will sometimes feel like they do not have enough freedom and in such will look for avenues to demonstrate that they are their own being who can make choices often they will find the thing that will try to get the parents attention something dangerous be it riding your bicycle without a helmet or going out without a jacket all the things that their parents told them not to do these substances you are referring to are often restricted in age by consumption and therefore for example you need to be certain age to drink alcohol or to smoke tobacco and therefore taboo to enter into your existence before such age and approval and permission from one of these adults which you are now feeling so torn about adults are the enemy when you were a teenager are they not and simultaneously you still have this desire as you do in adulthood as well to be loved unconditionally so you wonderful being of your life that you are wonderful contract that you have with your parents what do you do you do something you're not supposed to you do something that you're not supposed to according to them to check in if they still love you addiction forms or substances in many cases when that checking in is either ignored or when there isn't that parental figure in the first place therefore the behavior occurs and yet there is no one around to support you through your turmoil am I a child or an adult turmoil might be dramatic we are being dramatic and so you try it again you try it again and then hey there's some relief or this is providing something interesting for my emotional being this is providing me with something that I'm not getting that lack question and so you continue and form perhaps a habit a reliance or a solution for something that serves for that period of time later on when you know better you no longer seek approval from your parents or it is not a question of rebelling against them at this point and you are an adult yourself you might find yourself in situations and scenarios in which you are indulging in things that you already know are not good for you well guess what your teenager never grows up this is information from your inner teenager asking for your unconditional love asking for you to love it anyways and to support it and to help it without judgment if your teenage child called you from a party and was drunk as a skunk and had brought the family car there and was wise enough to know that they could not drive home you as a parent have some choices to make do you yell at them do you punish them do you go pick them up do you say you will never drive again do you send them off to rehab what is going to occur so part of being an adult is self parenting it is parenting your inner teenager it is parenting your inner child and in the same way you would interact with someone you love who is suffering or not suffering they are choosing the suffering it's still painful from addiction you can begin to help yourself now there are many resources we are not going to tell you which one is going to work for you you do have support for these particular issues in your society and we do know that in your case you are not talking about something that would require perhaps drastic measures but if you are finding that you are eating too many potato chips and that this is something that is occurring all the time and then you are screaming at yourself in your head don't do that well then perhaps you're actually by the addiction looking for a new relationship with yourself so the next time your inner teenager leaves a mess on the floor or does the things that are driving you crazy that you yourself are doing them that ate the entire cake when it was bent for the party or drank the entire bottle of whiskey when it was supposed to be just a little bit sit down with them hey what's going on why do you feel the need to rebel are you feeling is lack of freedom in your life that you are out of control are you happy do you want me to hold you and read you a bedtime story it is okay to be your age and still need some cuddles from do you want your favorite teddy bear even though it has been ten years since you have held it would it make you feel better and you will find that compulsions or addictions which are based upon rebellion from this inner being from this inner teenage parts of you will naturally become less predominant less acute they will dissolve a little bit and then next time you make that mistake you go okay or mistake it is not a mistake but next time that energy presents itself we'll do it again and again and the relationship you have with yourself will be so beautiful okay thank you so much we thank you hello vagran hello I have a general question and a personal question the general question is when I I version of Shatai that is here versus version of Shatai that maybe didn't come to the retreat am I still speaking with the same vagran in both instances no so there are different versions of vagran as well infinite infinite versions and this may be basic for others but for me when I am having these different experiences is it the same soul collecting these or learning it is not in that the timeline shift is or it's not even a shift this is all happening in parallel but you yourself would not or do not normally it can occur have the because as we earlier tried to outline the definition of the soul it is in some ways individuated to you you can have your soul it is a frequency that is yours you are the soul ultimately and above that if you would like to make a mental diagram is what would split off into all the infinite possibilities now that what is above is not individuated at all therefore that is every possibility and when we get into the question of parallel realities you tend to get stuck at that exact question it is not basic because most when they speak of parallel realities they start off because it is a broad concept to think of the version of them themselves who has a slightly different experience the one that is still waiting at the gate compared to this one and in their imagination of these parallel realities they are still them like those movies that you have sliding doors we believe where the character is still the character and as two lives that are now unfolding the truth is is it is not still the character or it never was still that character that splits off it is the energy beyond that that is choosing all or not even choosing simply they all of the other versions of reality are running at the same time every single one of them including the one where you wake up as a horse that reality is running it could happen tomorrow you could wake up and be a horse and that would be that so your soul is not the same running do programs at the same time what you would identify as your soul because the moment that that is changed there is another soul and this is also why then questions come up as are there limited amount of souls on earth or our souls reincarnated what happens when you run out of souls no there's no limitation to anything at all whatsoever therefore you can also feel limitless do you have other questions on this thread are you unified in oh in a higher hierarchy to use your example yes in that that version and let's go back to that part of the question you asked if it is a different version of Agra that you would see in that reality we answered yes that is because it is you who is creating any version of what you are seeing are you creating this conversation as well no thank you thank you the second question is about pain yes so when I arrived here I was in a lot of pain I tend to inhabit with pain and now I don't feel pain can you elucidate for me anything you can see about this difference there's nothing specific that we have access to in this now but your pain is always communicating with you so what we would do is ask if you have come to any conclusions
Q: [01:04:16] I feel it's still in process then a lot yes thank you
V: thank you
Q05: [01:04:20] hi Vagrein just a follow-up question on the multiverse do you think that jumping in between multiverse different possibilities of life is it free will or it's a predestined and I sometimes believe that you know all the free will we're talking about in a way it is predestined it's just that we don't know it so we call it free will can you elaborate on that?
V: [01:04:51] Yes, so you are constantly jumping into different timelines there is no linear time so every single moment nanosecond of existence is you literally jumping into another dimension with your consciousness you are doing this so fast that it is not perceptible are you and you happen to be in a desire to have them seem linear to you but you also do see glitches in what you call the matrix often enough to have some suspicion that that is not entirely true so there are infinite realities and your linear experience is simply a perception of many of those realities strung together in an order that you can imagine to be animated much like a film the frames are slowed down enough still images and that is what is occurring for you to be able to perceive of motion to be able to perceive of sensation but ultimately it is a flipping of a film reel at speed so that it seems to be real to you yes the question of free will does have that paradox of am I really choosing or is it predestined and in this particular case it is both because as we've spoken of the soul contracts and that you are writing them simultaneously as they have been written it is the same with destiny and free will you are an all-powerful creator that does have the ability to choose but you also are such a powerful creator that you created yourself to perceive of yourself as a powerful creator that has ability to choose so as that version of the powerful creator that has the powerful creation of the creation of the building to choose there's no free will and it is all predestined because it is a still image everything you are experiencing is a still image of infinite infinite images in all of existence
Q: [01:07:04] thanks so much
V: we thank you