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Day 3 - Intro (05)
Day 3 - Jessie's Introduction, Wim Hof and David Bowie (no audio - please read transcript)

J: [00:00] I hope it's like loud enough. I've been trying. Okay. Great. Silence! [laughter] Okay, welcome everyone. I hope you all enjoyed your intensive yoga session this morning [laughter], your astral projection yoga recharging session, let's put it that way and that you're all refreshed. You know, I know it's intense and I'm happy that everyone listens to themselves and took rest and that's perfect. That's exactly what we're here to do is listen to ourselves. So that's really wonderful. I did send out, well, I'll get into that after. How about we all ground in with the Wim Hof this morning because that helps me and then we're all connected in that way and we'll see if something changes between your experience yesterday and your experience today. So let's get started.
Host: (Wim Hof) [1:18] “Wim Hof Method Guided Breathing Intermediate Level (3 Rounds: 1:00/1:30/2:00), semantron on holds”.
J: [12:05] I edited out, but he always says at the end of that, have a good life and a good day or something like that. It's really adorable. I love that so much. So, you know, I imagine that was different than yesterday because every new Now is different. And I will let you guys know I rarely make the full two minutes. So it's not a question of can you do it or some sort of challenge. You can make it into that if that's fun for you. But it's another moment when that occurs to say, OK, this is what is now. You know, and go, OK, I'm not holding my breath for two minutes today. Or whatever occurs for you or if there's emotions or anything like that. Or if even you get bored and distracted and start reading the comments on the video, for example, because I often do it with my eyes open. So, you know, there's more distraction in the world. And so it's one of these moments in my day where I get to just see, see what's there. So if that's something that is feeling good for you guys, then find that or something similar that works for you. I'm curious on it and I don't know why. How's the breathing for you? So-so? OK. Does it feel comfortable though? OK. OK, perfect. All right. So during that, I got some info on today's session from Vagrein. And they were talking about our intergalactic and interdimensional families, which is something they don't touch on much, and they'll do it in their own flavor, of course, to be straightened out on whatever charge we're putting into that that's unnecessary. And also earlier in the day, I sent you guys off a David Bowie song. I'd like to play the two songs, that song and another song, and then present a little bit of what comes through for me in terms of that sort of thing. So I hope, are there Bowie fans in the audience at least? A few? OK, all right. Davey, you know Davey, our good friend Dave. So and, you know, of course, that is in this now part of our interdimensional family. You know, no longer being in physical presence means that there is more access to the artists that have all gone past, the scientists that have all gone past. Of course, there's access to other human beings' consciousness when they're in physical form as well. But it is being channeled generally in one direction. Things like telepathy are your ability to tap into the channel of another person. So that's possible. Bilocation, or like astral projection is the ability at times for that person to send off their nonphysical parts to another location or to communicate with you. So, you know, every time you are thinking of someone right before the phone rings and it's them on the phone, well, they've come a little bit earlier with their intention to join you with their nonphysical self. And then the permission slip that we have in the form of the telephone allows you to have a human experience of that communication, even though it started slightly before. So our nonphysical friends or our previously physical friends are more accessible to us, especially if they've left us artifacts of their consciousness in the form of matter, such a song. So I'd love to play those two songs for you. And by the way, I'm putting together a playlist of all the music that we are being exposed to during this wonderful connection that we're having. And I'll make that available to you after. So let me just find out where I put it. And we may have shifted into a timeline where I didn't start making that playlist this morning, but I'm pretty sure I did. So, oh, here we go. That's why.
Host: (David Bowie) [16:20] “Oh! You Pretty Things”.
[Verse 1]
Wake up, you sleepy head
Put on some clothes, shake up your bed
Put another log on the fire for me
I've made some breakfast and coffee
Look out my window, what do I see?
A crack in the sky and a hand reaching down to me
All the nightmares came today
And it looks as though they're here to stay
[Verse 2]
What are we coming to?
No room for me, no fun for you
I think about a world to come
Where the books were found by the Golden ones
Written in pain, written in awe
By a puzzled man who questioned what we were here for
All the strangers came today
And it looks as though they're here to stay
Oh, you Pretty Things (Oh, you Pretty Things)
Don't you know you're driving your Mamas and Papas insane?
Oh, you Pretty Things (Oh, you Pretty Things)
Don't you know you're driving your Mamas and Papas insane?
Let me make it plain
You gotta make way for the Homo Superior
[Verse 3]
Look out at your children
See their faces in golden rays
Don't kid yourself, they belong to you
They're the start of the coming race
The Earth is a bitch, we've finished our news
Homo Sapiens have outgrown their use
All the strangers came today
And it looks as though they're here to stay
Oh, you Pretty Things (Oh, you Pretty Things)
Don't you know you're driving your Mamas and Papas insane?
Oh, you Pretty Things (Oh, you Pretty Things)
Don't you know you're driving your Mamas and Papas insane?
Let me make it plain
Gotta make way for the Homo Superior
J: [19:39] Okay. So, you know, the wisdom of Spotify this morning. I was not seeking out this song, okay? And just sitting and that came along. It was actually the first thing that came on. And, no, that song has touched me in the past. That's a beautiful song. And, or actually, no, not the wisdom of Spotify. I was thinking about you guys having not taken the yoga. And I was like, hey, wake up guys, it's time. And of course, you know, maybe I should wake everyone up. And then the suggestion of, oh, there's that song. Starts wake up your sleepy head, you know? And get out of bed and all that.
This song was written in the 70s. Manifestation takes a long time. And we are that collective we were talking about, right? So, the channeling that Bowie was doing at the time, and he was very open about the way he created his songs, that he just kind of cut up pieces of paper and put them in a bag and drew them out and went, oh, how are these things connected and made up stuff, right? What he's talking about here is exactly what Vagrein talks about. And in much of the same energy. In terms of like, listen, you don't have a choice. The entire song describes our current human condition. How, like, there's the line, the golden ones, look back in the past, [from] in the future. They'll find our books. They'll find our artifacts. They'll see how much pain that we were in. And they will see how we, from this state of pain, chose to evolve into what they then became. And because time is not linear from the evolution we're going into, that is currently, in our Now moment, also the case, if we can tap into it.
So, yes, we have trouble with our imagination and time traveling. We don't have that technology yet, or we don't perceive ourselves as physical beings to have it. But there are our future evolutions, and I won't even say the future humans, because who knows, right, we don't know, that already have overcome the pain and struggle that we're all experiencing. And it is our merit that this has occurred. Because each and every person who decides to feel the pain and decides to write the books about the experience, the history that we had as humans, is informing and allowing the evolution to this state of not having to do that anymore. So, homo sapiens, the term was the knowing being, the knowing human. And the song uses the term homo superior. Superior can at times have triggering context to the word itself. But from our perspective, we do often project a superiority to an entity, or an angel, or a future self, the aliens, etc. because they've figured it out. The truth of the matter is, there's no way to figure it out without the ones who are going through the figuring it out. There's the process. There's no knowing without not knowing first, and that curiosity.
So our species, our collective, is the curious collective. What more can we have? And this has been our entire evolution. I mean, humans came to be creators and to have very primal, tribal violence, etc., and fighting each other. And this is the game we've been playing to see what else is there beyond that. Can we find out something through our creations, through our destructions? Can we find the way to be heaven on earth, basically? And that is in all of our mythology, in all of our religion.
This also addresses the fact that coming generations are more evolved than us. That's a message that Vagrein continuously says. Your children aren't yours, and on top of that, they're probably your best teachers. They are the evolved beings, and if you are lucky enough to be connected with children, then listen up, because we're shifting that paradigm as well here. And the love, if you go back, it will be on the playlist. If you listen to that song again, and you imagine that it's not David Bowie sitting there writing a pop song, right? That it's source energy trying to communicate with you specifically something, you'll absorb that message that, first of all, everything's okay. First of all, you're a hero, right? And that this journey has a purpose no matter what you do. Even if it's just feeling your feelings, and just is a terrible word, but even if it's feeling your feelings, you know all about that. That's your work, helping people feel their feelings. And so there's that collective grander plan for each of our existences and the contributions that we're making. So that's the first song.
The second is higher vibe, because that's like a fun slap in the face, but also you kind of go, wow, there's a lot of heaviness here, right? So the second Bowie song, which did come after on Spotify, because I was like, wow, we do have to wake up. We are just children, right? The second is, again, try to see if you can listen to the lyrics, o f course, you'll have access to it, so you can go read them as well, from the optic of Source Energy is talking to you specifically. Then you can interpret it from your own inner acceptance of this piece of art, right? And see what the message is for you.
Host: (David Bowie) [26:30] “Golden years” .
Golden years, gold, wah-wah-wah
Golden years, gold, wah-wah-wah
Golden years, gold, wah-wah-wah
[Verse 1]
Don't let me hear you say life's
Taking you nowhere, angel
Come, b-b-b-baby
Look at that sky, life's begun
Nights are warm and the days are young
Come, b-b-b-baby
There's my baby, lost, that's all
Once I'm begging you save her little soul
Golden years, wah-wah-wah
Come, b-b-b-baby
[Verse 2]
Last night they loved you
Opening doors and pulling some strings, angel
Come, b-b-b-baby
In walked luck and you looked in time
Never look back, walk tall, act fine
Come, b-b-b-baby
I'll stick with you, baby, for a thousand years
Nothing's gonna touch you in these golden years
Golden years
Golden years, gold, wah-wah-wah
Come, b-b-b-baby
[Verse 3]
Some of these days, and it won't be long
Gonna drive back down where you once belonged
In the back of a dream car, twenty foot long
Don't cry, my sweet, don't break my heart (Come, b-b-b-baby)
Doing all right, but we gotta get smart
Wish upon, wish upon, day upon day
I believe, oh, Lord, I'll believe all the way (Come, b-b-b-baby)
Run for the shadows, run for the shadows
Run for the shadows in these golden years
There's my baby, lost that's all
Once I'm begging you save her little soul
Golden years, gold, wah-wah-wah
Come, b-b-b-baby
[Verse 4]
Don't let me hear you say life's taking you nowhere, angel
Come, b-b-b-baby
Run for the shadows, run for the shadows
Run for the shadows in these golden years
I'll stick with you, baby, for a thousand years
Nothing's gonna touch you in these golden years
Golden years
Golden years, gold, wah-wah-wah (Golden years)
Golden years, gold, wah-wah-wah (Golden years)
Golden years, gold, wah-wah-wah
Golden years, gold, wah-wah-wah
Golden years, gold, wah-wah-wah
Golden years, gold, wah-wah-wah
Golden years, gold, wah-wah-wah
Golden years, gold, wah-wah-wah
Golden years, gold, wah-wah-wah
Golden years, gold, wah-wah-wah
J: [30:02] Groovy So actually I was thinking that merits reading out as a dramatic poem because maybe not everybody's able to pick up on the lyrics, the accents, etc. and I think it will really cement in what I'm trying to do here with this with this small Bowie concert here. Let's see. Let's see if I can get the lyrics open. Alright golden years.
J: [32:04] So my interpretation or inspiration on this is a message that this, this frame between the inevitability of your birth and the inevitability of your death are the golden years. These are the ones where we get to play, we get to expand, we get to be challenged, we get to have successes and wins, we get to experience losses. And you are 100% supported by the energy that sent you here at all times and it is rooting for you, hoping and hoping and praying that you'll remember. Get smart, get smart wish upon your day. Day after day, step after step, allow yourself to be supported. You know, even this aspect, “I'll stick with you baby for a thousand years”. We're not gonna be here in a thousand years. So that's a guarantee that every single day you are here, that promise is there, right, and it's coming from oh, it's coming from what he's channeling and what you know, he was and you are.
So, yes, we have that pain. Yes, we have that suffering. Yes we have the stories that we're writing and the dramas and the experiences and we have deep support. It calls us “angel” several times in that song because that's really all we are and in the earlier song it did say, you know, “don't you know you're driving your mom and pop insane”, right? And that is that Source Energy, Source Energy is just sitting there like, “You got this!” right? So the same way a parent would allow, a good parent will allow their children to make mistakes because they know that no matter how much they tell them not to put their hand in the fire or ride their bicycle too quickly around that turn, the best actual way to learn what's best for them is to experience it and fall off the bike even though it's anguishing for the parents. So, you have the love of parents no matter what your background is, no matter what you've had in your childhood. Those are just puppets - your actual parents, your physical parents. But there is your Mother and Father, if you want to use those archetypes, always rooting for you, always loving you unconditionally, always letting you fall off the bicycle.
So, we will get into channeling and see what Vagrein has to add to that in this Now Certainly something else and Yeah, I will see you in a little while.