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Day 2 - Vagrein Session (03)
Morning Vagrein Session on day 2

V: [40:44] Good now to you.
We're pleased to be with you again here. Your location, your time.
And as you know, our… intention—or what you've called us through for—is that discussion of unity. There is deep desire in your collective for what is next for you.
You are all getting quite bored of separation consciousness. How exciting you thought it would be. What you did not expect was that your measuring system of that game that you chose to play would have to be so acute for you to respond to it.
What we are talking of is the pain, the discomfort. Because you are light, because you are isness itself, it was required for you to have some sort of ability to know how you were going in that game.
Your desires—we know each in this room have this desire— was to be able to shine your light unconditionally. Because of course you know that you are unconditional beings. You are pure love, love does not understand conditions.
You were proud of how well you could be unconditional. You said to yourselves, “I will go to Earth and I will show my true colors. I will be the light that I am in physical form and I will have no challenges, because I am so confident that I am unconditional that this will be a piece of cake”. [Group laughs]
Now you are indeed extremely unconditional by your true nature. So it would not have been interesting for you to have subtle emotions, so you feel just a little bit. Because you would say, “Well, yes, I feel this small thing, but I do not need to address it. The fact that I am being judgmental, and that feels a little bit uncomfortable, does not need to be addressed, it is fine, I will continue upon this journey”, and in fact you have done.
When your emotional guidance system was more subtle, you did choose to up the ante. Not only circumstantially, but also with the potency of the emotions that you feel. Also with the duration with which you hold on to them.
You, as a species and as a collective and as your consciousness itself, turned up the dial and in the selection page of the game said, “I am no longer a beginner, I am not intermediate, I will set this game to extreme”. [Group laughs]
And of course the challenges, what actually presents itself in the game is harder. But it is harder because, it is harder to ignore the emotions that come with it, that tell you when you are not quite being unconditional, when you are not quite remembering who you are, when you are not quite being that being that said, “I can get this“ or “I've got this”.
So no, you did not expect to have this complete situation and we are not only talking about emotions, of course you have your physical pain as well, your physical discomfort, it is not pleasant for you to be in your bodies. This is in part why you do go to sleep at night, or during the day. [Group laughs] At least then you get a chance to feel who you are more fully.
And your thoughts are not pleasant. You have much discomfort when you are in your minds, do you not? The things that you imagine, the things that you remember, that too is a hostile environment.
So this is the game that you have set up for yourselves. All the while maintaining that desire of becoming that unconditional being or remembering that you are or forgetting everything that you are not.
It wasn't hard enough just like that, you also threw in other selves. [Group chuckles laughs] So let me also have billions of reflections of my is-ness, exactly the same as me, but that I perceive of as completely different. [Group laughs] This one has a different language, this one has a different religion, this one has a different preference of their eating styles.
"No, no, I am unique". And you are, but you forget that you are all exactly the same. Exactly the same consciousness, having all of those experiences, playing the same game with the same level of difficulty, doing their best.
And some of the differences to you are extreme indeed. Completely different values, completely different mentalities, completely different ways of seeing the world that you are co-creating. Those who believe more or less in free will, those who believe more or less in what happiness is, what the goal is.
So the challenge is there. But congratulations, you have been doing well so far. You are here, here in existence, which means you are doing well so far. You choose every time you do open your eyes. And by the way, that is not a choice that you are making on your mental level, it is not a choice you are making consciously, whether or not there is an alarm clock by your side. But every time you come back to your body after sleeping, you are saying, "Let's play another level of this game".
So again, as we said, you are the courageous ones. You are those who have chosen to be in physical existence, chosen to have all of your unique pains and joys. And each morning as you awake, a decision has been made by you that those joys or those goals or those passions or those desires are worth the amount of pain you are bound to have throughout that day.
Separation consciousness is that choosing of the extreme level. You have said, “This game is interesting, this game is entertaining, this game is challenging, this game helps me to grow, this game is where I want to be for this now”, and you are also suspecting that it does not have to be this way.
We exist because of that suspicion, because you are calling into existence the manifestations, the permission slips that you are needing to allow yourself to investigate the suspicion that it does not need to be so hard, that you do not need to choose the extreme level of the game to be entertained by it, that you do not need to be quite so impacted by such extreme levels of pain in order to remember who you are.
You have had those blows. Now you are saying, "Well, if I on the personal level am unconditional, then the logical conclusion is that I am not entirely personal, because if I can see everything unconditionally (or I am beginning to do so) the same way that existence sees it, then perhaps I am not so separate after all. Perhaps that thing that I previously allowed to provoke pain within me, that now I am judging less or now I am accepting more, or now I am surrendering to in a different way, perhaps the fact that I can even see that thing means that I am that thing".
Because is a bird in a field really in the field? Or is it light stimulating something within your own brain? Are you, with your beautiful, crystalline eyes, receiving the images that you are seeing or are you projecting them?
You cannot lean upon science, not that it is not a useful tool, but because science as well is part of that projection. Of course you will create a system for yourselves to make things make sense. How could you not, when you are always looking to make things make sense? It is a request that you have had as a collective, that curiosity.
At one point you gazed at the moon, and you imagined all sorts of ideas—by the way, you still do this—of what it could be. And then you decided, “No, we will come to, as a collective, a decision”. A decision is when one decides to cut off the other options of what that is. “It is a rock. No different than the rocks you see on the ground”. Dismissive…
We are not saying that that particular decision was erroneous. It serves for you, served for many, in the ways that it has served. But it is not accurate. You as a collective are projecting into the sky that matter, that reflection of the sun, that reminder that even though it is night, the light has gone nowhere.
Before you knew there was another side of the earth, night was terrifying. “Would the light come back?“ You had the reassurance of the moon. You had the reassurance of its changing form, of the fact that it changed, depending upon the days, how many of these nights came.
Therefore it was okay for you to change as well. It was okay for you to have your seasons. It was okay for you to have faith. That that light, even if it was gone, was going to return. You saw your patterns and your rhythms and your curiosity changed. Your collective changed. Because your individuals changed, and the desires within them.
You decided even to go fly to this rock. To have that dream for much time. And it was not to visit the rock, it was to see if you could. That desire launched meant that everything in your collective worked towards having the ability to do that thing.
So now, as a side, if you ever have a dream, know that as you are dreaming it, it is already being manifest. Because your one input into that collective forces the collective to alter with it.
So now back to our selection screen on the game and you continuing to choose extreme. If your new desire is to choose the intermediate level. To choose the beginner or the relaxed—We believe it is called sandbox mode. [Group laughs] Well then can that not be delightful as well? The difference between those modalities are that in one you are faced with challenge after challenge after challenge so as to overcome them.
And you are capable of it. There is no doubt, in that you would not be here. And ‘capable of it’ we are speaking also on that spiritual level, not only on the physical level. Of course, the stampede of elephants. You would need that aspect of luck or simply being on the right timeline to get out of the way. But you are capable of everything. Including whatever it is that stampede of elephants would be teaching you.
So, your shifting into a desire for pure creation mode is now. There is a deep desire in your collective to let go of having all these obstacles. Having all of these things flying at you that you have to dodge, that you have to mend your wounds, that you have to shake off. Having to collect all those resources that you need to fight the big baddie at the end.
But it does require going back to that home screen, and choosing to reset the game. Choosing to know that every element, every villain in the story, is now in your palette of brushes to use in creating your levels of the game.
So, if earlier there was a turtle or a mushroom chasing you around. Now in the mode that you are in, when the turtle and the mushroom appear you recognize them for what they are. They are aspects that can make your level richer, that can make your level more interesting.
You can place them where you would like in your perception of them. You can place them where it is easy to hop over them. Or you can place them where you will get a full impact. And then have to find the magic potion that will heal you. Whatever it is! This is your game.
We spoke of how there is confusion as to what you are. You were never the pawn being moved around by your higher self. You were never the character in the game. You were never any of these things. Though you chose to have that challenge of believing that you were.
This is the first thing we offer for you to unravel. Because there is no villain in your physical lives that you can combat truly, from not knowing that you have created that villain. You simply cannot.
You are at the mercy of someone wielding a weapon. If they are crazier than you and have less to lose. Then you are able to be controlled by them. They are threatening your family. They are threatening your life. They are threatening something. And you cannot do anything.
That is why life is also so painful. Because you believe that through and through. You believe that in the face of these challenges you are powerless. And it is indeed true from that physical level. It is indeed true.
We would not say simply think positive thoughts and stand there. We would say run! We would say follow those instincts. They are there for a reason. We would say fight back. We are not saying to accept everything that comes at you in your physical life.
Absolutely have your boundaries. Absolutely have your protection of self. But beyond that there is the real self, that knows what the game is, knows what is happening with this character that seems so malicious, seems so negative.
Does existence see them that way? Does existence condemn a tsunami? Does existence cry after a forest fire?
Everything is approved including this character who wants to kill you. Their entire life has led up to this moment, as your entire life has led up to this moment. You two are brothers, sisters—There are no words that are closer.
You two have had every moment in your life that has led to this. To this dance that you are now having with each other. This choreography indeed orchestrated by both of your higher selves who have no doubt that you are one. Giving you both a beautiful opportunity for choosing what is in your highest good. An opportunity to see that this madman is energy manifesting in this particular way. An opportunity to see that there are choices. That you can be who you want to be in this moment. Even if you are afraid. Even if you two are filled with rage. No matter the circumstance, unconditionally.
And in facing this character, you are serving the collective. For you and them are playing out the archetypes that you have played out with separation consciousness for all this time. You are teaching each other. And you have chosen your roles in these teachings, as you move towards making that decision, a concrete decision to be who you choose to be no matter what.
And again that does not mean your actions will change. Perhaps you will end up killing this other self, because you will be defending yourself. Earlier, perhaps you killed them thinking that this was an urgency to save your life, and they are evil and you are good and this was the only alternative.
But in the easy version of the game the same outcome occurs, but you have gratitude in your heart for this other being. Yes, even to come to you, to present you with this challenge, you have gratitude. Not on an individual level, but on a collective level, because you have been put in a position that is so extreme that you have had to double down on who you want to be.
Your collectiveness now is experiencing augmented catalysts. We do see infinite possibilities for your future. We do know your preferences for those infinite possibilities. Which ones are more of your liking and which are not. And we do see that as a collective, the majority of you are not very good at believing your preferences are your birthright.
This poses somewhat of a problem. Because what then occurs is your preferences continue to confuse you. Your manifest reality continues to try to show you that you are worthy of what you are wanting. How could your reality manifest? An experience—we'll bring this back not to a collective level, but to a personal level so that the example makes more sense.
If what you are wanting is to know that you are worthy, what better way for the universe to remind you that you already know this, than by presenting you with person after person that makes you question your worthiness? Should you not have an abusive partner? Should you not have parents that tell you you are no good?
Because of course if everyone when you would have this question of deep feeling unworthy told you you were wonderful all the time, and you still had that feeling, you would just think they were all a bunch of liars. You would say, “Why am I attracting all these awful people who keep saying I'm fantastic? These people are liars, they're trying to get something from me. They are trying to confuse me or dupe me in some way. Why are they so kind? They must be up to something”.You would avoid those people naturally. This is not even manifestation, this is psychology.
If you have a belief that you are unworthy, the first person who is actually nice to you, you would say, “Well they are very boring. They are not interesting. They don't make me feel the way that other self did, the one that was there some of the time and was not others. I don't have to bend over backwards to please this person, so there must be something wrong. What am I going to do with all this energy and time I suddenly freed up? You know what, I will not choose this relationship and instead seek out something a little bit more complicated”.
Luckily, there will be a line of people waiting to show you how unworthy they feel you are. [Group laughs] They will tell you you are not good at your job. They will tell you that you need to eat less carbohydrates. They will tell you that your face cream is not as good as their face cream [Group chuckles] and you will be old and wrinkled and die.
They are all waiting to serve you. Each and every one of those beings who is telling you—if you have this unworthiness idea of yourself—they are all waiting to tell you how unworthy you are, so that at one point you will go, “You know what, these people are assholes. These people are not very nice and I deserve better”. Oh, you have woken up.
“That feels right. Suddenly I am not feeling so sad or angry all the time. Suddenly I am wearing what I feel like wearing. Suddenly I am spending time with people who are kind. This feels good. Wow, maybe I am worthy. I am making different choices in my life”.
And indeed you are. But to whose merit is it? Who were your helpers along the way? Was that narcissist really a narcissist? Or was he a guiding angel? It does not mean you have to spend any more time with him. But guess what? That was a soulmate, a soul family member, someone who has chosen to play that role with you. That was your collective.
Your villains are often those to whom you have the most debt, the ones that push you the most. And we assure you that for each being that is being unkind to you, they have their own crew working on them, fear not. [Group laughs]
The question is, do you let your heart harden when you came here with the deep desire to be unconditional? When you are hurt by what seems to be another self do you take that into bitterness? Do you take that into blame? Do you forget that this is your soul family, that you are simply having a dance? That they did actually nothing to you?
Not really. Yes, of course, on physical levels. And again, do set your boundaries, do require or obtain the closure or resolution to direct problems that you are having. You protect your physical self. But you do not need to add that pain to it.
So back to your collective. The villains, the things that do not work, the things that you are fighting; fighting war, fighting disease, fighting injustice... Are not war, disease and injustice showing you that you do not want war, disease and injustice? Are they not in each moment that they are existing in the collective asking you, "Okay, what would you do? What would you do, individual?"
Faced with this scene—and that question gets asked to you as individuals only—there is nothing you can do about your neighbor except love them. But there is everything you can do about yourself. And you impact that collective completely.
This is why there is nothing that is personal: each and one of your individual battles, each and one of your individual experiences, the things that you are dealing with, the things that you are working through, the relationships that you are ending or beginning. They are all part of the collective push, journey towards your preference of unity consciousness.
And the individuation is your vehicle to guide, to go in that direction. Those here do not only impact by action but by example. This is something that is overlooked often because you are often looking for that thing that you can do that will help. That thing that you can offer that will change things. It comes from a place of fear. It comes from that unworthiness. But what if just being yourself, staying in your heart, having the composure to face each of your challenges with the question, “Who do I want to be in the face of this?” What if that was enough… to end all the wars, to cure all the diseases, to come to that utopian society that you would love to even be allowed to imagine?
By the way, allow yourselves to imagine it. We know it is terrifying. Because as you imagine it, you see the vibrational frequency difference between where you are and where you would like to be. And that can be overwhelming. We are saying it is not that far of a jump as what you are thinking.
Either way, the collective that you are is fine. Even in what you perceive of as complete destruction, there is nothing that has gone wrong. Everything is okay. Even in death. Even in horror. They are not preferences, but they are okay.
The universe already accepts that that is the result of the decisions that you are making. There is nothing to judge, nothing to worry about. But there are preferences that you as an individual can honor within yourself and for others.
Take the example of diseases being cured. There has never been a scientific breakthrough that has not been the direct result of someone being kind to the scientist that has eventually gone back to their formula, gone back to the drawing table, gone back to what they are trying to create even though they had no more energy left within them.
They got a smile walking down the street. They heard the cry of a child, a newborn, through a window. They felt soft rain on their cheeks. And they said, perhaps I have a little energy to look at this again. No good thing that has ever happened in your collective has ever happened that has not been the direct merit of someone who has not done anything at all but be themselves. You are intrinsically intertwined. There is no way to untangle yourselves from each other.
So each time you choose to take care of yourself and be balanced and be able to shine your light for another self, you are impacting every good thing that you are wanting in your desires. And every time you are not—we are not judging you, you have free will at all times, feel free to judge yourselves—Every time you are not rising to your occasion, you are not heading towards your preferences.
No worries, again, it is all accepted. You are honored above else by existence. But if you want what you want—and we discussed this earlier: What do you want?—Then allow yourself to want it with your being.
And with that, we leave you with the light and the love of a thousand suns.