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Day 1 - Vagrein Session (01)
Introductory session to the Acqui terme Retreat - June 2024
*please note: the audio quality of this file is reduced compared to the rest of the sessions in the series. This is due to a technical error during the recording. Apologies for the inconvienience.

V: [0:05] Good now to you.
What joy to be meeting in what you would call in person, while we do not have a person aside from this vessel to interact with you, it is still deep appreciation for the presence of your physical form, though we are in contact with your non-physical form at all times.
We understand that are you having [sic], you are having a physical experience and therefore to you it is very important to have experiences that are significant to you, that you can feel on your skin and see with your eyes and hear with your ears and taste and touch and smell.
We are delighted to be part of this experience, to be what has been the excuse for you to take the journeys that you have decided to take and undertake in the arriving in this physical space, on this physical earth, in this physical now moment, together, both amongst yourselves and with the energy that we are.
We understand that there will be more than one meeting of this kind over the several days of your time that we are about to embark upon, and therefore one can assume or one can expect that each and every moment in which we are sleeping throughout this dedicated period will be the equivalent of one long journey together for the transmissions that are desired by this group, by this collective in this now, for this period that has been designated for this transmission.
It is our intention to provide structure for you, so as not to have abstract order, though all is abstract from the plane in which we are, but as much as possible we will collaborate with those who are organising this and the vessel themselves to be able to bring clarity to you and a sense of linearity to what is about to be experienced.
The intention of this gathering is for each and every one of you to get what it is you are wanting to get from this gathering, therefore there is no need to add any more energy to any form of trepidation, anxiety, preoccupation about what will unfold. Your gifts are within you, your perception of gifts being on the arrival or in arrival to you is already underway.
You can equate this to having made an order on the internet and knowing that the delivery will arrive sooner or later. You do not stare out the window waiting for the man in the hat to come with your package. Your package is on its way, it is coming from within and it is destined to be within your hands within the next short period.
The reason why I can guarantee this is because we see each and every one of you already holding back what is what you are wanting to gain from this experience. We do not have that linear perception therefore we do see those what you would call future selves already having the realizations that you are about to have, already having the confidence that you are requesting from existence to become your own and owned by you, stepped into by you.
We already see you as you saw yourself before you became incarnate beings and allowed yourself or chose to allow yourself to have the internal turmoil that you are desiring to overcome in this now. Turmoil perhaps is a harsh word and is not the correct word, but you are choosing to have things that are more complicated than need be and the ease—we know about the smeeze (we joke) [Group chuckles]—is what will be delivered.
[04:44] As we state each being in this room, we do not speak only to each being in this room, we also mean the room of being, existence itself, your human species, that desire, that choice to become human in the first place. So as we speak to you as the group we will address you as this particular group. But we are also sending this message with no preference to the beings that are here in this now moment; but to all of existence, all of humanity, all of the consciousness that has chosen the journey of individuation coupled with free will.
There are beings that choose individuation, that is not coupled with free will quite as… pronounced as you humans have set up this game for yourselves.
So what is that journey of individuation? Why did you come here?
Yes, it is a question that can be said with any tone of voice. It can be said with the desperation of, “Why did I come here?”, it can be said with the curiosity of, “I wonder why I've come here?”. The question, and the tone, is for you to decide; and the tone you choose to answer that question of yourself does color very predominantly your reality and what you will experience through the answers that you give yourself to that question.
For if you are saying, “Why on earth did I come to this experience, that is so challenging, that has so much suffering or potential for suffering within it? Why did I choose that? Why did I choose this?”, and that is the face from which you are questioning that particular ultimate query; then you will have the suffering that goes with the thoughts that are based upon the distortion of that question being peppered with that energy.
We are not in judgment and we are not telling you that you are wrong. What we are saying is that, that is also a perfect direction for you to begin or take in your journey to let go of that anguish. So, the “Why did I come here?”—with the hands in the air, shaking your fists at the universe—will ultimately bring you to a state of peace, through that particular journey of feeling those feelings.
The curiosity question might feel more comfortable for you. We would—if we were physical—choose comforts (at least some of the time). And so, we invite you, in this now, to come with that energy of that particular question in curiosity: “Why did I come here?” And it will be in our desire, for this time together, to help you to answer that question for yourselves.
Each being does have already within them that seed of the answer of that question. What happens along the way is what seems to be confusion, because there is not necessarily the honoring of the unique aspects of the self that is asking that question.
You have a collective, you see each other walking around, you see each other doing actions or speaking words, you have opinions and thoughts, that you share with one another. Yes, this is clever! Communication and language is very useful to your species and it has allowed you to create many things on your planet. It has also, however, put you in a place of perpetual doubt.
You come in as these small children with the complete wisdom that you are born with, and you are proposed the ideas of other selves, from the moment you are in existence. You are even told your own name.
In this being told your own name—as opposed to knowing, as you are, that you are—you suddenly have this loving being that is telling you that you are not what you believe yourself to be. Suddenly you have a name that belongs to you, and everyone around you is trying to convince you that's who you are.
Eventually that does work, for the children, they do eventually say, “Look, mummy, daddy, I know my name”. And they become that individuated being.
But they were always the divine aspects of the existence of All That Is that chose to come into incarnation with a specific configuration of preferences, desires and will, to enjoy this experience of being human.
There is every side to a pendulum swinging, you cannot experience pleasure without the—what you call—pain. That is the opposite side of it (or seems to be). And you develop your preferences because that information is being given to you in order to teach your… Again, here, you have to be careful with the word teaching because you do not come here to be taught by existence, a lesson.
The word teach, with the definition that you have of it, implies that there is someone or something else that knows better than you. This word would need to be replaced by a word that would be more likely known to… you being able to teach yourself. So, yes, we can say experience. Yes, we can say… evolve yourself.
Again, that has its slippery slope, does it not? You can feel it, but these words are not quite appropriate. But they are the words with which you have at your disposition, the tools that you have in your toolbox, and we do have to respect that your language is limited.
We will also, throughout the moments that we have together, transmit much that is not your language, that is… silent, you would call it, but that is the energy frequency of the words that we cannot find within this vessel. So this, for example, is an example, a perfect example, of a moment in which to transmit the word that we would mean—though it will not be a word, it will be nothing, according to you, but you will receive it—by… you having come here to teach yourself something.
And with that seed, our only goal is to help you to uncover or let go of anything that is in the way of who you already are. You have each and every one of you come here with your unique, very unique gifts that will help you to uncover what they are. And not so much as you have a gift of music or you have a gift of carpentry, but the gift that is you.
So when you speak of gifts and get here, do not get confused and thinking that you are speaking of, that you need to be different than you are, or trying or having to allow. There is no efforting in what we are offering in this experiencing. What there is instead is a relaxing into, is surrender.
Look again how the words do not quite meet what we are transmitting. We invite you to listen beyond the words as we are together in physical presence, as many of you in this room know, we have spent time with you, but it has been in that… slight delay means of your technology. In physical presence, however, you are as able to be a receiver for the energy that we are in this room, as this vessel themself.
[12:59] So there is no impediment. Yes, also in the digital means you are able to tap into that, and if you have done and will do; but in this physical presence we are inviting you to tune your receivers to this energy.
It will not be in the form of thought, in the same way that this vessel does not transmit from the space of thinking—we are borrowing the entirety of the brain—What is being received is that direct energy transmission which can then be translated into physical movement and moving of the vocal cords. Therefore we invite you to—even though you are not moving vocal cords or trying to share this wave with ourselves—to receive it to its fullest potential.
We will state and say that if at any point in time you are feeling energies very… directly and it is affecting your physical vessel, in that you are feeling drowsy, do allow whatever is occurring to be there and be present with it.
You do not need to think about what is occurring in your physical form unless you are feeling unwell, in which case we would at all times counsel that you take care of yourself, and do advise someone that you are not well. But this is not our intention and it is not probable at all, or likely, and it is the case that these energies will help you to shed anything that is not serving you.
So what is a gift? A gift traditionally would be something that someone has given you. Again for that loop that someone else, there is no one else. There is nothing external to you. So what is the gift you would give yourself? Well, freedom. To know that you can have anything that you want.
And by the way your wants are hints to who you are. Because there is no other being exactly like you. There is no other being that would enjoy the same flavour of your Italy gelato than you would. There is no other being that perceives all that exact same flavour in the same way that your particular taste buds would do. Your desires and your wants are beautiful hints for you. So what direction you would like to go?
[15:48] We invite you now—and this will be interrupted much more so than we do do when it is in digital format—We will invite you into moments of reflection throughout these periods. And in this moment we invite you to reflect. And we will not emerge you in the back. We will not accept anyone who says I do not know what I want.
We do not believe you because we hear what you want. And we do not believe you that you then kick your heels in and say: “Well yes that's all very well and good for universal energy to know what I want, but I really can't hear it.” Well then we will say to you—and we will call you out—that what you are wanting is to not know what you want. But that we can care of.
We invite you in this now moment—the bell is tolling! [Group chuckles]—to contemplate what it is—and perhaps what is the word that is triggering now—What delights you? What is delightful? It does not need to be a thing, it does not need to be an experience, it can be simply an energy. And please call in that energy to yourself in this now.
That is who you are. Is this a hint? Sometimes it is more than a hint. That is you. Of course you are the universal consciousness, of course you are all that is, but your individuation—the one that you chose to be—is being whispered to you at all times by your preferences, by your desire, by your passion, by your (yes) fears, even.
Yes by the things you are trying to push away. Because of course if you are pushing something away it means that you do want something else.
You are in constant state and dance with yourself. Your emotions—and you've heard this many times—are your gauge, your guidance. Your thoughts are giving you information. But ultimately, beyond your emotions and your thoughts and your physical vessel, that is you, communicating with yourself at all times.
You think you are two, you think there is the higher self that you want to aspire to That is a lower self that is constantly failing or not meeting the mark. It is a lie, a higher self, or whatever it is you are calling that—has never seen you fail. Has never seen you make a mistake.
[19:06] You have each moment up until this now moment you’re doing exactly the correct thing, to arrive at each next now moment. In all the infinite parallel realities there are countless versions of you, that are… not alive. They may be in sick either, but let us compare for the moment to them. Or they are in situations that are quite grave, that you would not wish upon, or… worse than me!
But everything you have done has been right, correct. You cannot make a mistake. And moving forward you cannot make a mistake either, because it is going to continue this way, on and on and on.
You will continue to get everything that you want. So is the question: “Who am I?, what is my gift? What do I want?” You really need to forgo all of these emotions that are in this room in this now.
There is no need for all of this doubt. There is no need for all this sorrow. There is no need for any of that fear… Not anymore. Everything serves, but not anymore. Because you can choose, to be done with that particular level of the game. And choose… to say “You know what? This is my life! I get to live it, as I need.”
Many people are living their lives, yes, but they are not living their lives as them. They are living some life, yes insisting, going day to day, having existence, probably not even a terrible one, just not theirs.
[21:38] We can shift also the answer of: “What did I come here for? What did I get?” Well, to simply “Be”, “I am me”. Most people cannot say it! [Group chuckles] Because they are not, they are their conditioning, or they are their opinion of their mother-in-law, or they are… what their colleagues think about at the lunch table.
We were all infants. Do you understand that on your first day of existence you had no control? You have not gained any control by any of your actions in the meantime? You only have your isness, to experience and to manifest and to play with. That's all you got when you came here.
Therefore, that is your gift. So we will move through this time together in the… understanding, and the… deep… absorption of this knowing that your isness is your gift. And then also that simultaneously, the gift that you have to give ourselves. Because we know that this is a collective desire in this room and the ears that will hear anything that is transmitted in this way—that your gift is your isness.
There is nothing more. That can shift, and does throughout your life. One day your isness is being rowdy. One day your isness is performing a miracle, or lifting a car if someone has been injured. There are grand—and what you perceive of as less grand—gifts to offer, things to propose for the collective. Sharing is to have. So that isness is in evolution, as you are.
But we would offer that that truly is the gift that you have to give to the world.
So if anyone has some baggage and some emotion but they are feeling this now moment that is contrary to this, some resistance that is coming up, saying “Yes, well that is this” or “That other person is worthy but mine is not”, we offer you a lovely baggage repository at the reception of this hotel in which you can leave that unworthiness for the duration of this event. [Group chuckles] We are more than certain that the wonderful woman at reception will hold on to your isness and your unworthiness up until such point as you would like to check out. Because here it is not necessary. In this group it is not necessary. And of course if you forget to leave something there, well then we will take care of it together, will we not?
V: [25:57] You have these wonderful bodies, that have mechanisms within them. We’ll ask you now to take the corners of your mouth and attach them to your eyeballs. [Group laughs]
It is just a game, and it is all fun.
We are quite envious of you, for the ability to… Well, that is not true. [Group laughs]
We are admiring your courage to play this game. We acknowledge that it is not easy and it does not feel easy. We see the depth of the suffering that you experience, and we cannot relate. [Loud motorcycle noise outside] But we can offer… soothing… motorcycles. [Group laughs]
[27:54] We can offer, what you already know. [Motorcycle noise diminishes]
[28:21] To become even more alone… to be more absorbed. And your will is our will, our will is yours. [Motorcycle noise stops]
It is our desire that each and every one of you here, does get what you have come here for. Because we know, that that is an answer to the price of the suffering of the collective you find yourselves in.
You being you is far more efficient, in arriving at your preference for your vision of the collective that you are wanting, than anything we ever would do.
And with that we leave you with the light and the love of a thousand suns.