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Day 3 - 2nd Transmission (06)
Day 3 Session 2

V: [02:36] Good now, too. And we're back. We were having a little bit of a argument with the vessel. We won. You see fear arose when we mentioned that our dial for you is often turned up to 40, 50. We would like to see how you handle 80. Early in our relationship, there was experimentation. The first sessions, indeed, the vessel had thoughts that there needed to be some procedure. They had heard about channeling, and they had heard about some rituals that were required to make sure that there was protection or make sure that the energies were able to arrive. How conditional of them. Of course, that game was played and candles were lit and crystals were positioned. And luckily, the personality of this particular vessel got quite bored with that quite quickly. Seemed like a lot of hassle to go get the candles from the room. So the candles fell away. Yes. And then the angle of the lying down. And then the experimentation with sitting. Of course, all this time we were laughing at them. Much experimentation in a short period. Eggs of golden light and protection. Mantras to call in only the highest frequencies. The whole shebang. And each time we would say, do not fret, whatever you are comfortable with. And these superstitions or the ideas of having seen how something is done before remained until they did not. So there's more flow now. Less anxiety, less preparation, in fact, none at all. We also did, at one point, propose that more comfort could be had. More of a mix, a inviting in of more movement or the eyes open. And it is possible. We have no issues with it. Some of our fighting in this now was on that particular topic. So we will see if they will concede. But in the meantime, we will carry on with what we would like to share with you. Because it is a topic, you would not be here if you were not interested in it. In fact, the entire theme of this retreat, although it is not the main theme. You have come here to listen to channeling, you have come here to listen to this particular vessel deliver this particular flavor. We thank you. And we have spoken on channeling before, we often do. In the same way, an actor offset in interviews will talk about their process of acting. People are curious not only of the film, but how it is made. So you give them what they want. The only differences is in a film, there is the actor who is trained and creating a role and has a script and does the things they are meant to do. And there is a team behind them and the script writer, the lights, the cameras, the sets, props, you get the point. And because of channeling, there really is not very much going on. Because you are all channels. And we spoke earlier about the energies that are here available in this room. Each and every one of you does have energy that you would not identify with as your personality that would be here for you if you choose to share it in some way. Those of you who are musicians have scores of composers, other selves who are already decades ahead of you that have already written that symphony. The artists here have every single composition that has been created up until this point has referenced in the form of energy and thought, an entity available to you based upon your preference, based upon your desire, able to tap into it. So you are all able to channel multitudes of different beings, different energies, different angels, different star families, different fairies and dragons, everything you could possibly imagine is accessible. Charlie Chaplin, you can channel it all. Because you are an expert channeler. Each and every one of you is not only an expert channeler, but was built for it. The reason why we never push anyone into channeling an external form is because you have not come here to channel external forms in most cases. You have a very special relationship from your physical perspective with an extremely important energy, an extremely important entity, an extremely important soul that you have been specifically created to channel. And that is the theme of this entire meeting. We have since the beginning been telling you that there is that access point to all of you. So when people come to us, they say, how do I become a channel? They are annoyed when we say you already are. They are annoyed when we say you are channeling yourself in each and every moment. What else do you think is happening? But they are annoyed because they do not feel like that entity is as special as the one that they have set their sights on. And they think, if I could only get rid of this particular thing that I'm meant to channel and access that special one, perhaps it would rub off on me. Perhaps I would have some answer. We will digress for a moment. We are not, though there are suggestions, unaware of the fact that our suggestions are not taken. And when we give you exercises and homework, whether it be here or in some video you have seen, some other moment in time, and you say that is a good idea, but you do not take it into your life and apply it and practice it, it remains a good idea. How many of you played some ping pong with the self in this pause? You do not see the hands because she refuses to open her eyes, but we would expect that the answer would be somewhat of the same in that much of what we share is very practical. It is very human. It is direction from you to yourself, we could not say it if it was not what you were wanting to hear, it would not resonate if it was not what you are wanting to hear. And it would not resonate if it was not accurate. So please keep that in mind. And back to the conundrum about channeling. It would be in the interest of all that is and your personal endeavors in this life to channel yourself fully. To go into the state that you believe you have to go into whatever rituals you need, that you would believe you need to do to channel something that you perceive of as external, which, by the way, nothing ever is anyhow. And each day, call in yourself. Reach for yourself, reach for that vibrational frequency that is uniquely yours. You have had conversations in these days of what that means, how special and precious that is. How your gifts are genuinely the energy that you have come here to serve. Begin to take yourself, and by self here we mean it with a capital S, seriously. Seriously in that playful manner in which we refer to as serious, because nothing is. But you are not taking it seriously. For you, the opposite of serious is not fun, you are not having fun in not being yourselves. For you, the opposite of serious in this context is disregard. The refusal to look at it with reverence that it merits. The holiness, again, perhaps it is our friend in the back of the room who is bringing religious terminology, but with the holiness that your inner being, that yourself, merits. And again, we hear you, and now you get into that loop of saying, I don't deserve the divinity that I am. We believe the reception is open. You can be yourself. There is nothing preventing that. There is nothing that will harm you in that being of self. Everything else comes afterwards, your desire to be in service, your desire to channel, yes, not an invalid desire, a prelude. Your desire to be a masterful artist. Your desire to sell coconuts on the beach. Luckily for you, you do not need to embody your true self all the time. You do not need to get there to be there now. You do not need to dismantle anything that is preventing you or that you believe is preventing you. Because it is in each now. And we apologize because we have spent enough time together now that we have gotten back to repetition. We don't say very much at all. We will make the vessel upset again. Yes. Do you agree? Be you, be you, be you, be you, be you, be you, be you, be you, be you, be you, be you, be you, be you, be you, be you, be you, be you, and be you, that collective you that you can feel in this space. So you are channeling all the time. You are channeling the things that you do correctly in your perspective. You are channeling the things that you do incorrectly in your perspective. You are channeling the judgment of self. Yes, what a strange snake biting its own tail. You are creating it all and is your soul creating it all and now it is creating this whole thing to go on. How does one get out of this loop? You are creating a loop. Keep going backwards if that is a good visualization for you. What is behind this? Not investigative, not digging downwards. What is seeing myself judge myself? You know we did not invent this methodology, it is in your wisdom traditions. The I am. The observer. Observe the self creating an action. Observe what is creating the action. Observe what is observing the action being creating. Oh look, there is more awareness. How is it possible I am able to observe the observer? How is it possible I am able to observe the observer of the observer? What is observing the observer of the observer of the observer of the observer of the action? This is what we mean by go back. If you need to use that wonderful computer in your meditations, can keep going back further and further, more and more. And it is boring. This is also why you do not channel yourselves as your fullest potential. You would be bored. You wouldn't cause nearly enough trouble for yourselves. Your days would be pleasant. The surprises that would arrive that are not your preference would be accepted and processed immediately. What fun is that? You would have the correct people around you with which you felt secure and loved and all of those incorrect people would fall away. You would not miss them. You would send them on their merry way, wishing them love. You would not have a longing because your inner being does not have that longing. It has an understanding that compatibility and paths change. You would find yourself mid-morning, perhaps, perhaps morning would be pleasant, and morning going, now what? The big problem. I'm roughly middle age. How much more of this can I take? Nothing to do. Nothing to fix. There's no one to be. Nothing to change. You're a little bit useless now. Well, you are useless. Ultimately, you are useless. There is no use for you. Poor whole system of merits and earning your keep on this planet is what makes you think that there needs to be a use. You need to be useful. You need to be a productive member of society. Yes, you need to do something worthwhile. Who says? Who says that? Who's your authority? Ask questions like who says? Ask questions like why not? And be with the answers. But remember, you are not fooling your guides. You are not fooling the angels. You are not fooling the ghosts. You are not fooling even those things you project of as goblins. You are not fooling anyone but yourself. Every other fiber of the universe knows your perfection. Why do you think you're so special to be the only idiot who doesn't know your perfection? Are you better than the universe? The universe made a mistake. It thinks you're perfect, but you figured it out. Yes, yes, you're imperfect. It's just that the universe hasn't caught on yet. And in fact, you spend much of your time trying to hide this. You believe that you figured it out. You're the one being in all of existence that isn't worthy of existing and somehow managed to make the cut. Nobody saw you sneak in the back door. But if they discover you, oh no, you will cease to exist. Better hide it. Better hide your imperfections. Better feel bad about yourself. That sense of being a fraud for being here. Somehow having tricked something. And you see the perfection of each other. We do know this. You see it. We observe you looking into each other's eyes. You recognize the other self in their divinity. You recognize the other self in their perfection. You have a fear that they're going to discover. You're not meant to be here. Is this not proof of your divinity to have all these insecurities? Who could possibly believe themselves to know better than the all that is? And by you claiming your imperfections, you are saying, I know better than existence. Existence itself made a mistake in creating me. So you are higher than existence. If you can be aware of that. There's a bit of confusion that has happened along the way. Yes, because you are inaccurate. You are not higher than existence. But you certainly know in that moment that you are criticizing yourself, that you are divine. Because you would not be able to think yourself to be better than the universe and then existence, then creation, then evolution even. If you did not somehow suspect that you knew best. Do you see how from our perspective you are all quite mad? You are constantly and in every way giving yourself pointers and hints towards this bliss that you contain. Constantly and every way, even in your confusion and even in your self-criticism, pointing back to your own divinity. It is quite fun for us to watch, but we know you are suffering from it. We don't suffer. So we can easily say it is fun to watch you suffering. But we do know that that is not something that is nice to hear. So we will say we hate watching you suffer. It makes us feel so bad. It doesn't, but it makes us feel so bad. It just is needless. And the most intelligent use of free will is determining through experience what is serving and what is not and having the wisdom to let go of what is not serving. Be you. Channel yourself. So all of those bits of information you are collecting from other channels or on the internet or from books you are reading on how to channel. Why not try channeling yourself? Why not try to really see that soul of yours as a separate entity even for a period? Yes, and channel it. You will find it is astonishing what you begin to hear coming out of your mouth or written out of your pen. Oh, you will not like it. You will not like it as much as you are feeling uncomfortable right now. Yes, it's fun to be here, but you are being called out. Your inner being is far meaner than we are in that it will not take any of your excuses. Will not take any of your compromises for unhappiness. It knows every detail of you and how every detail is perfect. And so it will force you through that fire of any emotion that you feel is blocking you. And it is a fire into seeing that perfection for yourself. You have allies. Again, he said it's in non-physical. You have allies in physical form. So walk the fire. The shadow to that thing that you are afraid to feel. Our perspective on feelings, they are very important to you because of the wisdom that you bring, but they are inconsequential. They are like the weather. We see no difference. It makes sense that the rainstorm arrives when it does because of the factors that are contributing to it. It might get some people wet. It might knock over a tree. But it is serving. It cannot not serve. There is grass to be grown and birds to be satiated. There are rivers to be traveled to the sea. There are leaves to be carried upon them. Everything in creation depends upon that rainstorm. And nature does not stop itself from it occurring. That is why there is a balance in nature. Again, your free will affords you the ability to prevent that storm for today. Prevent it for tomorrow. But then the grass is barren and the bird is thirsty. And the river doesn't have that trickling, babbling brook sound any longer. And the leaf doesn't have its journey. And you are capable of spending entire lives without feeling your feelings. In fact, at some point, your body will take over. It will attempt to contact you in that way. Again, free will. You can choose to listen to it or not. And if you choose not to listen to it, well then, no problem. Everybody accepts your choice. But perhaps this particular life is not as interesting as you want it to be or worth the bother. It does take great effort for you as the soul that you are to remain connected to your body. Great effort. This is why you sleep. This is why you feel tired. Your soul needs a pause from you. Your soul has interesting things it wants to do that you are not cooperating with. So, the fact that you are, again, we come back to what we said earlier, waking up in the morning, is your soul saying, I've got this. I can have this experience. I can see if today this mind, and we will say it is the mind that is blocking you, your choice to identify with the mind. I will see today if this mind is willing to open a little, this heart is willing to open a little, if this being is willing to take whatever we throw at it, we as the universal energies of all that is, and your soul in collaboration. Oh, do not believe for a moment it was not your soul that caused the flat tire. It was. Just got in touch with the nail on the road. Had a little conference call before you woke up. What can we do today that might stimulate the change that we know this being is calling for? Oh, I know. Let's make him really late for work. Oh, how can we do that? Well, I'm a nail. I could easily just puncture the tire. He could try to drive on the rims, but then we could always have him drive off a cliff. That would solve the problem of him hating his job, would it not? So there are bigger or smaller collaborations, but everything is collaborating with your soul. Absolutely everything. That is why the universe is working for you and with you. And if you can choose to allow yourself, the self that you identify with as your mind or as your physical being, to work with the universe and have faith in it, you are ultimately having faith in your soul's contract with that universe. So allow. And there will be less nails on the road because why would you have a conference call when you didn't need to? You wouldn't. No one likes conference calls. Those of you who do want to channel other beings, as we said, what comes first is having an intimate relationship with yourself, because you have to have the trust in yourself to be able to step out of the way. It is a relationship with whatever it is you are calling in or accepting through. And if you do not have, you do not need a full purpose relationship with your soul or be able to channel it completely. That is not the case. It's not the case for this vessel, of course, but it is also not the case for the majority of the channels that you would believe to have access or skill. But it does require the element of that being knowing that they are capable of channeling themselves, that they do know the difference between what they are seeing as separate and what they are seeing as self. And a desire to be human. Because without the desire to be human and the desire to have a life outside of what it is they are channeling, then they would be vulnerable to devoting all of their energy to the channeling and also to their detriment. They would choose not over working through all their junk. There are bags to unpack always. But if you had access to higher energies, it might feel better for you than unpacking those bags because unpacking those bags is not fun. You have all returned from a holiday, shortly you will as well. You will not want to do your laundry. You will not want to accidentally find cookies that you left there too long. Covered in ants. Italian ants. So step by step, bit by bit, more and more will come in for you as you work through whatever it is you need to work through. That's all. As you allow yourself to, yes, even simply let go of whatever it is you need to work through. We are not a fan of work. It is play. It is the game. So you can allow. And it will come. It is all interconnected. It is appropriate to have had some struggle with this vessel today. It is appropriate to have negotiation in a relationship and disagreements or challenges because that is how you know you are retaining your true self, your individuation, your preference. The last thing we will say on channeling is it is not, no matter what you are calling through, ever more potent or more important than that entity that you are. Anything that you are channeling that says they are more important than your entity, well you are making that up or you are wise to not trust entirely that energy that is coming through you. Not that any energies could ever come through you that you did not consent to. But the question remains at all times, is this serving or not? And if the answer is it's serving the collective but not you, then it is not serving. That we will leave you with the light and the love of a thousand suns.