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Day 2 - Vagrein Afternoon Session + Q+A (04)
Afternoon Session of Day 2

J: [04:37] Energy healing session [NOT TRANSCRIBED]
V: [34:26] Good now to you.
It is not your energy. For you are energy. You cannot be low on energy. You cannot be without. You are the energy that animates you. Constantly in movement, in flow. And even though you can have what seems to be these differences and quantity or quality of energy in certain areas, motoring certain aspects of you. Again, the confusion is that you are something other than that energy.
So it is not so much that you have your throat chakra, for example, blocked. It is that you as energy are having a little bit of struggle in coming through your vessel's throat chakra. So it is not the vessel's job to free that up, to do this, that or the other thing. Because ultimately it is you who has that power. You have created the vessel by your will, by your is-ness.
So when you feel that you cannot speak your truth, there is nothing to do but speak your truth. When you feel that you cannot follow your joy, there is nothing to do but follow your joy. These are hints. Of course, that vessel is in constant collaboration with you. We wrote an entire chapter of a book about how that body is your best friend, how your emotions are your best friend, how your thoughts even are.
So, as we said, the way to get under that predicament, that dilemma of misunderstanding who you are, is not so much to change who you are, but to shift where you identify from.
We invite you now to imagine the possibility of seeing yourself from the perspective of your soul, identifying with that part of you, identifying with the aspects of you that are non-physical far more than those that are, and your thoughts are physical, and your emotions are physical because they are governed by a physical system. They do require a release of chemicals in a physical body for you to feel them.
So, if you are not emotional, and you are not intellectual, and you are not physical—three things for which it is easy for you to identify—what would you be and what would your life look like if you could know, identify beyond those aspects of you?
Could anyone ever come up to you and insult you again? Could they say, “You did not do a good job in that delivery of that work”, and you feel insulted? Did you do the work? Did you deliver the poor job? Your vessel did, yes, perhaps. Perhaps you got all sorts of mistakes on the documents that you wrote, and your mind was a participant in that action. Maybe you did it deliberately because you do not like that person, and so your emotions played a part in that. But did you have anything to do with it at all? We would say you did not.
Does that mean that your vessel should be running around willy-nilly, damaging and causing chaos? No, but we have 100% faith in you that you would not make that choice. [39:39]
You do ultimately have the animation of that vessel. You do not need to be the body to take care of the body. You do not need to be your thoughts to function in this world. You do not need to be your emotions to protect yourself, which is often what you believe.
Have you ever been in a situation where you are experiencing a circumstance and don't have emotion about it, but everyone around you says you should feel a certain way, and so you begin to think about that, and then you begin to feel that way?
Perhaps you lost your job, and actually that was quite a pleasant thing to happen because you felt as if you would like some rest, or you felt as if it was the time to move on, but you did not have the courage to do so, and yet everyone comes up to you and talks about what a tragedy it is, and how it was unfair, and this, that, and the other thing, and now suddenly you're thinking, “You know what, they're right. My boss should not have done that. This person should not have been that way. I deserve this, that, the other”.
But when you are in that state of peace, and things are occurring around you, and you do not have an emotional response, it is simply because you do not have an emotional response. You have not identified with the character that is having that experience.
Then you are brought down to earth, back to reality, get your head out of the sand, react, respond, be more realistic. Given the choice between being realistic and being happy, for some reason the majority of you choose realistic, which to us is ever so funny, because there is no reality at all.
We love how creative you are, because you are the creators of your reality, and you are so creative that you keep creating realities that you do not like. Wouldn't it simply be easier to see things the way that feel good to you?
So, we must address now the fear that comes with that, because the majority of cases are that one will not give up their perception of reality, because there is some danger lurking around the corner if they were in a state of joy.
If in the case of losing one's job you did not allow yourself to be upset, or scared, or nervous, and instead you were just pleasantly surprised, and allowed yourself the space to move on with your life and see what happens next, well then maybe you would never eat again. You would not eat, you would lose your home. No, no, better to be realistic and get upset.
What for? You are not moving through time. Time is moving through you. You are not moving through experience. Experience is moving through you. Do you really believe that at the end of any story it is the end of any story? It is not. Today the storyline is the job is lost. Tomorrow the storyline is there is a new job. Has this ever not been the case for anyone? Or the storyline is you do end up moving under a bridge, you meet your future sweetheart, and the two of you live happily ever after in a cardboard box.
The story is all you have. We are not ones to say let go of the story and ignore the story. No, delight in it, enjoy its ups and downs, its challenges. But know that you are the one that is writing it.
We would ask if it feels correct to you to begin to shift your identity to that being, that multi-dimensional being that does not dwell in physical form, that does not dwell in linear time, and then motor your boat from there.
Again, you have created your reality to be complex, that advanced or extreme version of the game, to be able to feel everything, to have all of the fun of suffering, all of the fun of passion, delight, and so you have added in so much story about how humans work. You have many disciplines, philosophy, psychology, biology. You've studied in and out. What is a human? Well, the question is what is a human? Do any of you know? You made them up.
As a collective, you said, you know what? We need a name for ourselves. We will call ourselves human. Now we will define this in each and every which way. Humanity means this. It means that. Oh, you have done the wrong thing. You're not even human. They are dehumanizing this other group. They are doing this. They are doing that. Nobody is human. Everybody is human. All humans are equal.
You talk about these humans all the time. You have no idea what they are. You are not humans! That is a word. It is an idea. You are stuck on that idea to the point of not even seeing yourselves.
Who said so? You have so many systems in place that you go along with. They are functional in some ways. They are also extremely dysfunctional for your new preferences and others’. You never stop to say, who said so?
Who said the children have to be in school? Who said the people have to earn money to merit food on the table? Who said that you had to exchange your time for the ability to have a roof over your head? You all made these up. You said so. [46:39]
If you have the power to create this collective in the ways that it is now, and you have the wisdom to know that there are ways that is not serving you, just simply reverse engineer what you have done.
And we're not saying, yes, dismantle in reverse engineering. We are saying recreate. If you can create your education systems, your financial systems, your political systems. And this is also interesting, because you also believe that you have to tear things down to create. Who said so? Just create. You are not destroyers. You are not revolutionaries. You are creators.
Something doesn't resonate, create the thing that does. It can only be on your individual level. So when we said that we would love to find the way for you to get underneath any of your discomforts, any of your perplexities of what you are, and dig down into the root beneath all of these thoughts of what you are, understand that you truly are divine beings.
We would want to know how is it possible you can believe yourselves not to be divine beings when you look all around you and there are creatures left, right and center in every habitat that are so foreign to you. Little squirrels and gecko lizards… How can you not realize looking at these other animate beings that you are divine?
How is it possible to not realize that there is an aspect of you that is continuously in touch with your non-physical self? It is not the same for these lovely little creatures that are running around, because they have not had the bridge. You are a bridge between worlds. You are an experiment. Can something be matter and also not simultaneously and which will win?
The answer is yours. You do not need to live your life the ways you think you are living them. You do not need to play the games because they have been laid out for you. You can alter any aspect of reality to your will and we will speak of will.
Confidence is the having faith. We are in Italy you can look into those words: confidenze, with faith. Have your faith because you are the only beings afforded it. A squirrel has no faith. It does not need to. It is like all beings including yourselves 100% protected at all times by existence even in its death, even in a bad haul of nuts. The squirrel does not need confidence because it is faith.
Humans on this planet are the only beings who have decided to detach themselves from divinity and the only beings that have access to it to be able to bring it into matter. We are talking to you specifically to wake you up. You are not here to do a specific thing whether it be become a famous painter, whether it be become a wonderful healer, whether it be to raise a beautiful family. These are not the reasons why you are here. You are here to bring divinity to the earth and be aware of it.
Your mythology talks of the gods. Who are the gods? Then you got all confused about what a god was in the first place. You separated yourself from even that.
So how about today we make a promise we as a new we are not promising anything. You make a promise to yourself to simply be that divinity from now on. Yes, feelings will come up. Yes, fear will come up. Yes, sadness will come up. Yes, any form of non-preferred emotion will come up and then you just be divine with those emotions.
You do the best you can to be divine in each and every moment and when you are not meeting whatever mark you have set for yourselves, be divine in compassion for yourself. We are 100% sure that this is the path for each and every one of you to achieve whatever dream you decide today or in the future to dream. Whether you decide to use the tool of dreaming or not.
We would like to unpack if there is anyone in this now that has something that they are feeling that is impeding them from their divinity. So if one of you does have that sort of conversation in mind to have with us, this would be the appropriate time.
Go on, don't be shy.
Q: [52:46] Hello, Vagrein.
V: [52:47] Hello.
Q01: [52:49] I intellectually understand that I will not be destroyed or persecuted for being my full self but I still feel in my body and in my emanation and my emotion that I am not able to let loose, as one might say, and fully allow the fullness of my being to come forth into this world without having sticky fear areas and I wanted to hear more about that, if you can help with that.
V: [53:20] Yes, you are using your fear of destruction or persecution as an excuse to not be your higher self.
It is safe to have the fear of destruction or persecution. There's nothing wrong with that. What is distorted about what you've just shared is that you are using that as an excuse to not move into the directions that you know would benefit you the most.
There's also nothing wrong with that, because it is a process and you are deciding to take your time with it, which is the compassionate direction to go in. But we would now have to argue an entire other conversation and we will about why would your destruction be such a bad thing in the first place.
Q: I guess we're looking at what is “your”.
V: Yes.
Q: [54:16] And so I understand you're pointing to some construct of being that I am operating through or putting on like a cloak or inhabiting like a vehicle, that maybe it would be great if it got destructed, because it's actually impeding on the full emergence of my higher self.
V: [54:40] Well we could take it that far, but the simpler route is you're going to die anyhow.
So, your destruction of the physical form is imminent. The destruction of the memories, and the thought mechanisms, and the emotional systems that are set up for you is inevitable. At least in the reality you have chosen—collective here, thank you very much—
You have chosen a reality in which you believe that death is inevitable and that it does occur to all. Therefore while you are in that particular reality you have nothing to fear about being destroyed. Because your destruction is guaranteed. You have no reason to fear what is guaranteed. You signed the contract when you came in that said at some point or other I will be destroyed—if you would like to use that word—and at that point I will return to is-ness or I will return to nothingness. It depends what you are deciding to choose for yourself of course.
But in the same way your birth was inevitable, your death is. All you get to do is play with what's in between. Therefore any fear of destruction, any fear of death is quite interesting when you do sit with it for a little while. One day there will be no more you, in the way that you recognize it with this particular avatar with this particular vessel. There simply won't be.
Between now and then, you can create the world that you want to see. You can also leave things here that you would want others to have. That smile we spoke of earlier, and the persecution question also, is a heavy one of course. But there is no being on this planet that is loved by all and that has nothing to do with that being, but very much to do with the all. Therefore be loved by yourself and you've at least got one ally on your side.
Q: [57:16] [Laughs] Thank you, and thank you for the allyship.
V: Yes.
Q: I have a question. What you shared now it's had a connection with us surrendering to the divinity. I understand that surrender from mental space but can you detail on that? Because it's not mental it's more with the heart with energetics.
V: [57:47] The question was not clear. Can you rephrase please?
Q02: [57:50] What is surrendering to the all that is from your perspective?
V: [57:59] Thank you. So, surrendering is more… passive. Acceptance might be a better word because of the space you are already at. So, acceptance that you are divine, surrendering that you are divine. That the majority of you is non-physical, is holding those codes from before you were born, or before you were physical, holding the codes of creation.
If you look around you you have created quite a vast civilization—or civilizations if you were to divide them based upon different criteria—You have created technology that can do astounding things that your ancestors could never have imagined, but none of this has come from your physical form. It has all come from your non-physical bringing it into as our friend said with the sound, bringing the energy into reality.
Surrendering simply means letting go of everything that is impeding you from doing so. So we will ask you a question. What does it feel like is stopping you from being your true divine self in this now moment?
Q: I think I’m stopping this human vessel, I don’t know.
V: Yes so if that is the case then you are still not identifying with that divine self because the divine self is not stopping anything at all. It is creating, yes, the perception of this difficulty for you to have the game to hop over the obstacles and the fun of doing so but we would argue that you are not stopping yourself…
Q: Ok.
V: …that you are divine, but you are not necessarily ready to see yourself in that way. You are getting there though, we do see it, and we do know it, and you are coming to know it as well.
Q: Thank you.
V: We thank you
Q: Hello Vagrein.
V: Hello.
Q03: [01:00:33] Can you expand a bit more on what identifying with your divine self looks like and feels like and what that would be for me?
V: [01:00:45] Yes. In your case it looks very playful. What it feels like is excitement. It feels like running in a field. It feels like holding the perfect paper airplane and watching how it actually does fly this time.
There's not much you have to do as this divinity aside from hold it in your heart, because when you allow yourself to feel—and we will use the word holy (why not, even though it normally has religious context)—but when you allow yourself to feel reverence, and you allow yourself to feel holy, and you allow yourself to feel that grandness that is naturally running through you (in the same way our squirrel has it), then the action is all aligned and even when it is not, or when you start to judge yourself you are able to remember and hold on to the knowing that you are that divine being, and then the—again as we said earlier—the compassion that you have for whatever action you are judging yourself for, the compassion you have for even your judging self is divine.
You can walk through this world and nothing might even change on the outside, but is what happens and shines through you that is all the difference.
Q: [01:02:32] Thank you.
V: We thank you.
Q: [01:02:41] Hey Vagrein.
V: Hello
Q04: I don't doubt my own divinity, but I think the human society somehow erases divinity as we humans grow older. If you look at a bunch of three-year-olds they are truly divine: they live in the moment, they have full joy of living life, they're fearless and then they're having the best of time. But when we grow older we start to have more fear, and then we have more self-doubt, we are less grounded and then, you know, we start to hurt each other.
So in a way it's kind of sad, we lose divinity now as adults compared to when we were little toddlers. And do you think we are after all an inferior species?
V: [01:03:39] Inferior to what?
Q: Inferior to, I don't know, I'm waiting for a more sentient and more loving species that can take our place and then save the planet and contribute better to the universe.
V: [01:03:57] Well, to that we will say: do not hold your breath. [Group laughs] Because these beings that you speak of, which do exist, are waiting for you.
It is time for humanity to let go of this idea, this exact what you described that one must let go of their divinity as they get older.
One believes, perhaps, that they need to be full of humility; they must not step out of line. And your systems, the ones that you yourselves created, have been studied and engineered in order to take this aspect out of you. Because it is not very convenient to have billions of free creators. How could you possibly control them?
You have set up systems for yourself of those who would control and those who would be controlled. That again is that game we spoke of earlier: the victim the villain. And you can find yourself facing that sort of system and thinking that you are the victim, but you are not.
You are not the victim, you are being stimulated by the system itself to stand up and say: “You know what? I am like that three year old. No one can take away my divinity. No one can take away my joy. No one can take away my happiness. No one can take away my love. No one can take away my morality. No one can take away my faith.” [01:05:35]
And the more you say it and affirm it—this is what perhaps your throat chakras would like to release—the more you affirm that you are not able to be messed with, in your divinity, the more that power returns to you.
You specifically in this question revealed that there is some sorrow and grieving to go through. Your system is carrying collective grief about what you have done to yourselves, and that does need feeling through and processing before you do have access—not you specifically but those who are carrying these codes—to process. Do need to feel the grief.
It is a tragedy from some respects, yes, that you have set up this game this way. The only way to resolve the fact that that is a tragedy is to realize that you did it for a laugh. You decided to make it this complicated, because you thought it could be a good idea. Now you're bored of this game, that is fair, but do not ponder too long on that past potential alternative that could have been, had your systems not been setup this way, or could have been had you not believed these false informations about yourselves.
Because you are at each now moment the new starting point. You can very easily, and you are also in the process, by the way, with those aspects of the experiences that you are currently having that seem destructive, in a collaborative creation now of preparing for what is new.
The people in this particular room are not of that particular role of destruction, but that does not mean that you are better or worse than they are. You are in collaboration with the catalyst, you are in collaboration with the things that you do not like, so that you are making space for the creation of the things that you do like.
It does however require that personal choice. So, when we speak of personal, when we speak of the individuation, when we speak of the collective and unity, we do mean that it is all on you. Sorry for all the responsibility! But responsibility means nothing more than the ability to respond, and if you have the ability to respond then you can in each now moment make the next best choice.
Q05: [01:08:27] I was deeply touched by the healing and your your first part here, and in a way I have a lot of questions and in another way I don't have any, but I chose to have the question of is there something that you would… yeah, a message you have for me to support me in my way through this?
V: [01:08:55] Yes, thank you, we have spoken before. You too are one of the feeling keepers. And allowing that emotion to come through does serve everyone.
You still have some fear about your emotions we, would say, turn that fear into laughter. It is delightful to be able to feel as deeply as you do. It is serving to be able to feel as deeply as you do. You do get more than your fair share of it, but you know you can handle it. Therefore allow—as is always the case with feelings—because on the other side of whatever release is coming, whether it be liquid or snotty, what is there is wisdom.
It is not going to come through to by stopping it, or by saying, “I shouldn't feel this way” it is 100% accurate for your feelings to be telling you exactly what they are telling you. And it is also 100% accurate to not always understand that right away. So you can release and relax into whatever it is you are feeling, because you are safe. We will iterate it again: You are safe to feel your feelings at all times.
Yes, do not act on rage. We never say that you are safe to act on your feelings. That is a completely different sentence. You might put yourself in big peril if you acted on all of your feelings. Most of your relationships will be over by now! But you are safe to feel your feelings, and so that is still, and will always be, your journey.
Q: [01:10:45] thank you
V: We thank you.
Q: Hello Vagrein.
V: Hello.
Q06: [1:10:54] Um, I have a question with regards to, uh, what do I know I think that you had written in my book that: “You know”. If you could please share with me what it is that I know. And part two of that is (probably you will answer) um, as long as I can remember I've been given… I've had dreams, and in those dreams—always—I've been told I have the information, and I carry that information and have been persecuted for it, I'm always running with it, but I have the information. And just prior to coming, um, here to italy I had the dream and, so I was once again, had files information and they downloaded the information, and actually gave me like a tiny usb stick, so I have the information, and it was: “Here, go with it, hide it, you you are the keeper of it”. And so I would like to know if you could please expand on that, and give me any information that you have about this information.
V: [01:12:14] It is interesting how you know, and you know you know, but then you ask what you know. So what’d the answer be if everyone including your own dreams are constantly telling you that you have the information, that whatever information you know that you know is already enough.
That usb key that you are running around with, or that file holder that you are running around with, is what is held within you, and is serving it—always has been serving—There is nothing more you need to know or do, you are a collector, yes?, of informational content. This is also how your system works it is something that is even interesting to you.
But this aspect of believing that if you could just see the document, if you could just download the file… you're holding the key in your hand but you don't know what's written on it, you have the file under your arm but you can't open it, because it says “Top secret”. You have this idea in your mind that “If you could just, then you wouldn't have to run anymore”.
And what we would like to share with you is you do not need to run at all. There is nothing to fear with having that key, and letting that door remain locked. It is okay to not know. In fact it is always an illusion when you think you do.
We said earlier that people would prefer to believe in reality than to be happy. There's only one thing more than they would prefer than to believe in reality, and that would be to be right. You have wars, murders, all kinds of horrors occurring on your planet for the desire to be right over the desire to be happy.
This is the danger of knowing, because the moment you claim to know something you have decided, and again, cut off the alternative. And the alternative is infinite, when knowing is just one.
You are speaking specifically about information, so, this is the context of knowing. But there is a knowing—and that is what was dedicated to you—that is beyond information, far beyond information, and that’s this that is part of your theme. That “I know I know” is your essence, it is why this theme is reoccurring for you. Because in this particular journey of existence you are being asked to let go of needing information, and leaning into your personal inner knowing which has nothing to do with your brain.
Q: [01:15:31] Thank you.
V: We thank you.
Q07: [01:15:42] I have the belief that I don't have a fear of dying (that's my perception). For me, I have a feeling, the fear that I can feel is like in my cellular—this I guess this is maybe the story—and the feeling of having like the fear of doing it wrong, like is in my cellular memory, like a, an energy that's maybe part of my conditioning or something. And inspiration for me makes it easy to… to step into that unknown to… to move past, but I find myself a lot of time—maybe this is a little related to my earlier question around what are my dreams and connecting with my desires—I guess guidance from getting, you know, is there is there truth and relevance to that story. I'm even curious about feeling into me, is there truth to me not really having a fear of death, and guidance for getting from there to tuning more into inspiration and being able to fully express more effortlessly.
V: [01:17:03] Yes, well what is the worst that could happen if you fail or get it wrong as you put it?
Q: Rhetorical, or are you actually asking?
V: No, we are actually asking.
Q: [01:17:17] Um, the word that pops into my head is humiliation.
V: [01:17:23] And what is the worst that could happen if everyone is laughing and pointing at you?
Q: [01:17:30] I mean, the thing again that pops into my head is uh, disappointing my father. [unintelligble]
V: [01:17:37] Was your father a very happy, joyous and benevolent man?
Q: [Laughs] He was kind of the opposite of that.
V: Well then why on earth do you care what he thinks? he's got it wrong.
Q: [01:17:48] I just feel like it's you know it's like in my cellular memories.
V: [01:17:54] Yes, so you are attempting to please someone who did actually get it all wrong. And in doing so are afraid of getting it wrong in the right way. Getting it wrong by his measuring stick would mean being happy, benevolent, yes?
So again we come to this right or happy. It is your choice, and that humiliation, especially if your father is not present in your day-to-day experience, does not in fact affect any of your activities in this now moment, we do not see that he is.
Q: He's been dead for multiple decades.
V: Yes, and so in that aspect of this being no longer having a direct control or impact of your day-to-day experience, you are no longer the little boy that has to be afraid of him, and that has to please him to ensure your… what.
Q: Freedom.
V: Freedom, and?
Q: Is it a question again?
V: It is a question. What did pleasing your father or making your father not angry with you provide for you as a small child?
Q: Allow me to receive love.
V: Yes. So, you are still trying to receive love from a dead man?
We are apologizing, they are all questions! [Group laughs]
Q: It doesn't feel intellectually, it absolutely does not feel like—
V: Yes. That is correct. So, when—and this has come up twice—when there is something that intellectually makes sense or does not make sense and it is not felt, then you have wonderful information for yourself. Because you already have the tools to play games with your subconscious mind.
What you can simply do in both of the cases that have come up is, you can keep thinking about it in that way. What you tend to do instead is you tend to go: “No, no, I understand it intellectually therefore I do not need to think about it again”. But in the thinking about it, and in the dissonance between you saying “Yes I am a confident person who is worthy of everything in the world” and perhaps not quite feeling that way on a day-to-day basis, you will be able to hear the emotional guidance system more clearly.
The reason why people do not like affirmations and the reason why affirmations do not work, and they say, “I'm not doing this anymore” is because when they look at themselves in the mirror and they say to themselves, “I am beautiful” but their subconscious mind is continuing to tell them that they are not, feelings happen. Feelings that they have been trying to avoid their entire lives occur. But you have these wonderful computers in your heads that are capable of calculations, and that you are capable of using to your will. So you saying to yourself: “Pleasing my father means being unhappy” or “It would have to mean being unhappy” or “I do not need to please a dead man”, let's simplify, you know that, intellectually, of course but it does bring up emotion does it not?
Q: Something moves.
V: Your homework then is to look at that movement. Do it long enough we ensure you will be crying. Cry long enough we ensure that you will never think of this again.
Q: Thank you.
V: We thank you.
Q: Good now, Vagrein.
V: Good now.
Q08: [01:21:58] Everyone kept looking at me, so I felt I had to speak. I don’t actually have a question but rather just a sentiment I wanted to share with you. Um…
After many years, and many conversations, and, oh, I feel like so overcome with emotion, but, of pure gratitude, like, I get to exist (predominantly, not all the time) as isness, and being, and… like I have desire, but each desire just arrives in each moment that I exist in and nothing is more beautiful than the moment that I’m in, ever.
Like being here in Italy is beautiful, but is no more beautiful that like, sitting at home, you know, in my deck, with my kids. And throughout my entire life when anyone would say to me “What do you want? What do you wish for?”—whatever, you know—I would always go “Oh… to be happy”. And I had the realization recently that, like I’m living that, every day.
And even when I’m challenged, or even when I’m uncomfortable, or even when I’m playing to drama, because I do, and it’s a choice, and I get to choose, and I’m aware that I’m choosing it when I’m choosing it… Um… and it’s the most beautiful experience, and [Chuckles softly, half sighing] I guess I just need to say outloud “Thank you”, but not to you, obviously, but to myself, but to All That Is, because, it’s all beautiful, and exclusive of nothing, All That Is is inclusive of all, so, I obviously had to share that outloud, thank you.
V: [01:23:44] Oh, we thank you. And it is appreciated and felt, and worth hearing, from all parts, from all present.
It is accessible, you’re all exactly were you are needing to be. And with that, which does feel like a celebration, we augur for you all wonderful celebrations for the rest of your day.
We leave you with the light and the love of a thousand suns.